Chapter 089 : Duanmuh Shannchyuan

The three of them then walked towards the backyard. In one corner of the backyard, Jenqyih was already standing by the side of the hole. Yinqyueh came down first, then Shannchyuan followed her. Before descending into the hole, Shannchyuan ordered that after he was down there, Iren should immediately head to the living room to guard there. He asked Jenqyih to stay at the edge of the hole. After that, Shannchyuan went into the hole.

Having previously gone down and up the hole, Shannchyuan had gotten a little used. He could move faster. What was surprising was Yinqyueh. At first, Shannchyuan, Iren, and Jenqyih thought it would take Yinqyueh a long time to get to the bottom. Turned out they were all wrong. From the moment they tied the rope to Yinqyueh's body to the moment they lowered the girl to the bottom of the hole, everything happened so fast. Shannchyuan was under the impression that it was not the first time Yinqyueh had done such a thing. He had only known Yinqyueh yesterday. Of course, there were many things he didn't know about the girl.

Arriving at the bottom, Yihshyong and Shinnshiow greeted them happily. While sitting on the stone bench, the two men took turns telling stories. Shannchyuan and Yinqyueh listened to their stories while occasionally asking something. After that, Shannchyuan checked the carvings that Shinnshiow and Yihshyong had found.

Shannchyuan kneeled down. He groped the stone benches. The bench was rectangular, each side measuring fifty centimeters. He asked Yinqyueh to help shine a flashlight on the areas he was examining. They had inspected the entire surface of the stone bench. The part that hadn't been checked was the underside of the stone benches.

"Shall we try to move this stool a little bit?" Shannchyuan pointed to the stool containing the "heaven" engraving.

"This rock must be very heavy." Yinqyueh stared at the stone.

Shannchyuan patted Yinqyueh's shoulder. "You don't have to move this rock. You just stand on the table holding a flashlight and shining a light on this bench."

Yinqyueh nodded. He used the stone bench as a foothold to climb onto the table. Without a second thought, the girl actually did exactly as Shannchyuan said. He stood upright on the table.

Shannchyuan and his two friends tried to move the stool away from the table. It turned out that the bench was very heavy.

"Should we call Jenqyih here?" Yihshyong took a deep breath.

"No need. There must be at least two people upstairs." Shannchyuan answered firmly. "I think we can move this rock. It might take a little longer, but I'm sure we can."

They then tried again. Indeed, Shannchyuan and his friends managed to move the stone bench inch by inch. After shifting about twenty centimeters, they should rest. Shannchyuan felt his back slightly uncomfortable. He guessed that his hands and back would be sore a few hours later.

After resting for about ten minutes, they began to shift the bench again. This time, they could shift about fifteen centimeters. Shannchyuan immediately used his flashlight to illuminate the floor previously covered by the stone bench. In the section that had been right in the middle of the rectangle at the bottom of the bench, there was a small rectangular section. The rectangular surface was still covered by a small wooden plank. Shannchyuan guessed that there was a hollow behind the small wooden plank. He straight away kneeled down to scrape the wooden plank. He wished he could pry open the board to see what was in the hollow.