Chapter 096 : Jongharng Chioujen

Finally, Chioujen opened the door on the wall at the end of the hall. The room differed slightly from the previous two rooms. The room looked cleaner. Not exactly clean, but at least not as dirty as the last two rooms. Chioujen shone his flashlight all over the room. Just like before, there were so many things inside the room. It looked like there was a lot more stuff there. But maybe it was just an illusion. The room was smaller than the other two rooms, so the things there seemed to be more.

Things were not only scattered in the middle of the room but also stuck to the walls. Almost the entire wall of the room was filled with objects. Only a few places were clean of stuff. The clearing of items started from the door where Chioujen had entered earlier. The places that were free of the stuff form a certain path. It was like a path in the middle of a forest. A place filled with goods was a forest, while a path clear of goods was a path. Chioujen sauntered down the 'path.' The path ended in front of the wall, in the right corner of the room.

Nothing special there. Just like the rest of the walls in the room, the walls in that part were also filled with stuff. There was even a big cupboard there. Chioujen tried to open the cupboard. He could easily see the inside of the cupboard made of wood. Unexpectedly, the cupboard was empty. He tried to get into the cupboard.

Inside the wooden cupboard, Chioujen tapped the inside of the entire wooden wall. When he knocked on the back wall of the cupboard, he felt a cavity in the back of the cupboard. Chioujen pushed against the back wall on the inside of the cupboard, but the wall didn't move.

Chioujen shone his flashlight all over the cupboard. He tried to find a lever or other objects that serve to pry or open the back wall. After a while of groping under the cupboard, he found something. There was a lever, or something similar to a lever. Instantly, he tried to move the thing. But nothing happened. The back wall of the cupboard didn't move at all.

Chioujen watched the lever carefully. He could see there were parts, like buttons, attached to the lever. The lever seemed to be moved frequently. Chioujen tried to press some of those buttons. But still, nothing happened. Chioujen highlighted another part of the base of the wardrobe. About sixty centimeters to the left of the lever, there was another lever. Chioujen did the same with the lever, pressing a few buttons before attempting to push against the cupboard wall. But this time, his efforts had yielded no results.

There were seven buttons on the right lever, while there were only five on the left lever. Chioujen didn't know which button on the two levers he had to press to get the inside of the cupboard pushed in. That's just a guess. He was fully aware that no one could guarantee that the levers had anything to do with the inner wall of the cupboard.

After pondering for a while, Chioujen decided to try simultaneously pressing three buttons on the left lever and three buttons on the right lever. After pressing the buttons, he moved the two levers simultaneously and then pushed against the inner wall of the cupboard. Still, nothing happened.

Over the next half hour or so, Chioujen tried the possible combinations of the buttons one by one. It was, of course, very tiring and frustrating for him. Until finally, he could open the wall of the wooden cupboard. He laughed after realizing his mistake. Finding the right combination when he pressed the buttons was not enough to open the wall. He had to move the wall to the left, not backwards.

"Hah!" Chioujen cheered so loudly. He was happy and relieved. Undeniable, the exploration was getting more and more interesting. Chioujen imagined Shannchyuan and the others would be very excited if they were with him at that time. He was excited to see what was behind the mysterious wooden cupboard wall.