Chapter 101 : Jongharng Chioujen

After over twenty minutes of walking, Chioujen arrived at a relatively large hall. The hall was in the shape of a hexagon. On each side was a door leading to another passage. Chioujen came from one of the six doors. It wasn't right to call it a door because it was just an empty space. No door separated the passages from the hall. Right in the center of the hall, there was a large circular stone about eighty or ninety centimeters in diameter. It was about half a meter high. The surface of the stone was flat. When Chioujen stepped forward to take a close look at the object, the rock looked very much like an enormous bench. Maybe it was a bench. Chioujen sat for a while on the bench to unwind. He was a bit regretful because he didn't bring a bottle of water with him. His throat felt so dry.

Five minutes of rest was more than enough. Chioujen got up and started walking again. He walked towards the door where he had entered. He took off his clothes. Removing poultice plasters that had been attached to his shoulder. Chioujen then crouched against the wall on the side of the door. He stuck the plaster on the bottom surface of the wall, about fifteen centimeters from the floor. All the doors in the room looked so similar, so he had to give a marker not to get lost when he intended to return to the inn. Of the five remaining doors, Chioujen must choose one for him to explore. He walked towards the door directly opposite the entrance he had come from. When he got there, he did the same thing. He was sticking another plaster on the wall near the door. However, the position was slightly higher this time, about thirty centimeters from the floor.

After putting his clothes and jacket back on, Chioujen immediately entered the hallway. The width and height of the passage were the same as the previous passage. About a hundred meters from the hall entrance, the path forked. The two branches of the passage were smaller than the passage he had passed. Chioujen hesitated for a moment, but he stepped into the passage to the right. The path was also winding, though not as much as the previous one. Chioujen suspected that the reason people built the winding passages was closely related to the condition of the rocks underground. The hard stones made it difficult for people to construct straight passages.

Chioujen arrived at a bend. The bend was so sharp that it didn't look like a bend at all. The aisle turned left. Hesitated, Chioujen paused for a moment. He shone on the walls of the hall for a better look. On the passage bend wall, there was a foreign inscription. Chioujen didn't know what the writing meant. He didn't even know what kind of script was used to write it. He tried to remember the form of the writing so he could tell his dahge or Jenqyih when he got home.

Chioujen turned to follow the turn of the passage. After passing the bend, Chioujen walked with great vigilance. He highlighted the walls to the right and left of the passage. When he pointed the flashlight forward, he saw a ray of light emanating from the other end. Not only that, he even heard a faint sound. It was like the sound of people having a conversation. A moment after that, Chioujen heard a scream. One of the few people there screamed. Maybe that person saw the light of the flashlight that Chioujen was carrying.

Some people were chatting there! That means I've reached the end of the underground passage! There must be another room or hall beyond this end of this passage.

Chioujen turned off his flashlight right away. He didn't know where he was now. Also, he didn't know who those people were. Perhaps things would be dangerous if he confronted them head-on. Chioujen didn't know how many people there were. He decided to turn around and walk briskly in the opposite direction. He walked on without stopping. Chioujen quickly came to the door that connected the passage to the hexagon hall he had just left. After arriving at the hall, Chioujen did not forget to remove the plaster that he had attached earlier.

Straight away, Chioujen headed for the door that led to the room where there was a dressing table. He also did not forget to remove the plaster attached below. Those people might just follow him. He didn't want to leave any clues for those people. Without wasting much time, he entered the passage to return to where he had come from.