Chapter 141 : Shimen Yihshyong

After that, they talked about other things. Apart from conversing with Shannchyuan and Yihshyong, Tsaehorng also asked Yinqyueh many questions. Watching Yinqyueh face the questions, Yihshyong had the impression that she only answered what was necessary. She did not explain at length the answer she gave.

Tsaehorng looked at his watch. "I can't believe we've been here for two hours."

"You have to go back to the painting exhibition, don't you?" Yihshyong said.

"That's right, Uncle!" Tsaehorng nodded. "Sorry, Uncle, if I can not accompany Uncles until the afternoon."

"It's okay. We're very grateful," said Shannchyuan.

The four of them left the room. Unlike when they arrived earlier, where they went through the side door, now they went through the front door to get out of the restaurant. Outside, Tsaehorng's car was waiting.


"Is there no traffic jam there now?" Tsaehorng tapped the driver on the shoulder.

"It's been smooth, sir! But people are still not allowed to enter the complex," replied the driver.

"Are people who live in places within the housing complex in parts that were not affected by fire also not allowed to enter?" Tsaehorng frowned.

"That's right, sir! Everyone is not allowed to enter. Including the people who live in places that are not caught in the fire."

"Very weird!" Tsaehorng exhaled loudly. "Uncle, what do you think is going on?" He directed the question to Yihshyong and Shannchyuan.

"We couldn't say anything yet because we haven't seen what the damage is. Maybe the authorities are just being too careful. Perhaps in a few hours, they will allow people to go home." Shannchyuan's voice sounded doubtful.

"I thought so too," Yihshyong said. "It's too early for us to speculate. We'd better see how things go. Tomorrow morning, there may be other information."

The car arrived in front of the painting exhibition building.

"Does Uncle still want to look at the paintings?" Tsaehorng asked.

"No. I think we're going home now," Shannchyuan replied.

"Then you don't have to get off. Let the driver take you home," said Tsaehorng.

After saying that, Tsaehorng got out of the car right away. Yihshyong looked at Shannchyuan. It seemed that Tsaehorng had given them absolutely no chance to refuse. Finally, the car started running again. At that time, the vehicle was moving towards their house.

"What is it?" Shannchyuan grabbed Yinqyueh's hand.

"What do you mean, Uncle?" Yinqyueh asked back.

"You've been a bit quiet since you ate. Is something bothering you?" Although Shannchyuan's voice was soft, his tone was full of curiosity.

Yihshyong turned around. He gazed at the two people sitting next to him.

Yinqyueh stared at the ceiling of the car they were riding in. "Earlier, did you notice, Uncle?"

"Notice what?"

"One waiter delivering the dishes?" Yinqyueh's eyes widened.

"What's with the waiter?"

"He looked at Uncle with a strange look. He seemed to know Uncle."

"Maybe it's just your feelings," said Shannchyuan.

"While clearing the table, after we finished eating, the waiter also looked at Uncle with the same look." Yinqyueh stared intently at Shannchyuan.


"Right. I also found the waiter a bit strange when I saw Dahge." Yihshyong joined the conversation.

"You saw that too?" Shannchyuan turned to Yihshyong.

"I didn't pay attention to the waiter when he and the other waiters came to deliver the dishes. But I saw when he came to clear the table," Yihshyong replied.

"Maybe I'm similar to the person he knows. Not a few people who have a face and appearance like me. For example, you. Many people say the two of us are very similar." Shannchyuan pointed his index finger at Yihshyong. "In fact, there are people who have difficulty distinguishing the two of us."

"Maybe Dahge was right." Yihshyong lowered his voice. "But, if that's the case, he should look at me strangely, too."

Shannchyuan frowned. It seemed that he was also starting to sense that Yinqyueh's suspicions might be well-founded.

"Even the waiter still looked at you strangely when we walked out of the diner." Yihshyong continued.

Yihshyong had walked some distance behind Shannchyuan and Yinqyueh because he had briefly gone to the restroom. So he could see things that Yinqyueh had missed.

"Well! that means I'm not just imagining, right?" Yinqyueh voiced a little louder.

"At that time, he was whispering to his friend, another servant," Yihshyong said.

"Which servant?" Yinqyueh asked.

"The friend he was talking to didn't come into our room at all. So you've never seen him." Yihshyong's eyes widened as the words slid out of his mouth.

"Could it be that I'm more famous than I realize?" Shannchyuan laughed to himself after saying that.

The car had entered their housing complex. They saw a neighbor living on their left, walking out of the compound. His face looked very serious. It was rare for him to look like that. Usually, he always looked relaxed and full of smiles. Yihshyong had no idea what had just happened to that person. He just hoped the person would be okay.

Less than two minutes the car they were riding had arrived in front of their house. Iren stood in front of the gate. It looked like he had just stepped out of the fence. The gate was still not completely closed. His face was pale.

Yihshyong opened the car door. With a jolt, the car door swung wide open.

Iren instantly approached them. With a bent body position, He opened his mouth straight away. "Shinnshiow has been kidnapped!"