The service elevator had not worked for a long time. Not broken, but just never turned on. According to Hannrong, the two elevators were not turned on at all for months. When the building management came to have a look at the building, they turned on both elevators. It happened about three months ago.
Chioujen circled around for a long time and couldn't find his way to the B4 floor. He decided to go up and re-examine the floor plan of the building he had seen. When he got there, he saw Hannrong was in the room.
"Do you still want to look around this room?" Hannrong opened his mouth when he saw Chioujen enter the room.
"Sure. You can lock this room when I leave the building."
Hannrong nodded with a broad smile. "How are things down there, Sir? Did you manage to find the B4 floor?"
"No. Therefore, now I want to check the floor plan of this building again."
Chioujen returned to the table where he had placed the scroll of tracing paper that contained the building plan. He spread the papers again on the table. Firmly, Hannrong stood beside Chioujen. He seemed curious, too.
"Hanrong! Take a look at this. This is the floor plan of B4!"
Hannrong looked at the paper. He looked like he was thinking. Two seconds later, Hannrong opened his mouth. "How do you get down there, Sir?"
"This plan clearly depicts stairs and elevators." Chioujen pointed at the stairs and elevators clearly depicted in the plan.
"But the stairs and the elevator only get to the B3 floor, sir!"
"That's what amazes me. The blueprint should be the actual building plan. So, if there are stairs and an elevator down to the B4 floor in the plan, then, in reality, it should really be like that."
"What if, in fact, there used to be stairs and an elevator up to the B4 floor? But for some reason, the entrance to the B4 floor was closed."
"Have you ever heard people talk about it?"
"Never, Sir!" Hannrong's tone was so sure. He looked at the floor plan that was still spread out on the table. Frowning, he tilted his head. "Are the dimensions in this plan the same as the actual sizes, Sir?"
"Are you asking about the consistency of comparisons? I mean, are you curious about whether the dimension ratio used in the plan is consistent with the actual room dimension ratio?"
Hannrong looked at Chioujen with a frown. Perhaps Chioujen's question was too heavy for Hannrong to digest.
"Are you asking about the ratio of the length and width of the room in this plan to the ratio of the length and width of the actual room?" Chioujen repeated his question in simpler words.
"Right sir! That is what I mean."
"Yes, the ratio should be exactly the same!" Chioujen nodded vigorously.
Hannrong shook his head. "But, Sir,,,!"
"Do you think there is anything strange about this plan?"
"Service elevator in this plan is very long." Hannrong stuck out his hand. His fingers touched the plan.
"Isn't the service elevator should be like that? Because, to get up and down the goods, the size must be much longer than the elevator to get up and down occupants."
"But, Sir! The service elevator in this building is not that long. In this plan, the length of the service lift is three times the width of the lift. As far as I remember, the length of the service lift here is only about one and a half times its width."
"So you mean this plan is ridiculous?"
"I didn't say that, Sir! It just doesn't accurately describe the service elevator size."
"What is the width and length of the service lift in this building?"
"The width is the same as the width of the occupant lift, which is two meters. While the length is about three and a half meters. That's definitely not three times the width."
Chioujen looked at the plan again. He just realized that it was an oddity that had been bothering him for the time being. The length of the lift service was unreasonable. In the plan, the service elevator protruded into the room behind it.
"Come on, let's take a look at the location!" Chioujen said in a steady voice.
After saying that, he immediately ran out of the room. Hannrong hastily followed Chioujen. The two of them right away headed for the service elevators' location. From the outside, the service elevators looked normal.
"You can't turn on this service elevator?" Chioujen pointed to one of the two elevators there.
"I can't turn on the elevator, Sir! They tell me to save electricity!"
"What if it's just for a little while? I just want to see the inside."
Finally, Hannrong was willing to grant Chioujen's request. It was apparent that the young man was also curious. After Hannrong turned on the elevator, it took a while for the elevator doors to open fully. As soon as the elevator doors opened, Hannrong rushed inside. It was true. The length of the elevator from the elevator door to the end of the inside was only about three and a half meters, far below the size written in the plan, which reached six meters. It meant that there was a difference of two and a half meters from the size stated in the plan.