Chapter 151 : Jongharng Chioujen

Chioujen looked straight at the person lying down. He couldn't hide his anxiety about that fact. He didn't know the man's condition, but he was sure that everyone in his position would agree that the man lying down needed immediate help. That dark underground room was by no means the right place to treat a sick or injured person.

"What happened to him?"

The person who called himself Maachaang Shentay did not immediately answer Chioujen's question. He turned to the person lying on the bed. He got up and walked over to the bed. As he walked, he kept the flashlight he was carrying. Some parts of the blanket covering the person had been exposed. Maachaang Shentay rearranged the position of the blanket so that it covered the person's body well. After sitting back down in front of Chioujen, only then did he start talking.

"Actually, I'm a bit confused about where to start to describe the sequence of events that we experienced. I'm not an excellent storyteller. But one thing is certain is the fact that we are running away from something bad. Two days ago, the five of us escaped from a group of people. We managed to escape with the help of one of the criminals, who somehow sympathized with us. My friend and I managed to get into this building. I don't know what happened to the other three people who were with us. It's very likely that they've been caught again."

Right away, Chioujen remembered the story of the young girl who appeared together with Shannchyuan.


"Is one of the three a young woman?" Chioujen couldn't help but ask that.

"That's right! Just like that old man, who is lying on the bed. That young woman is also my co-worker."

"Why didn't you report to the police? Why did you choose to continue hiding in this place?"

"I'm afraid they're still hanging around outside this building. So as soon as we get out, they'll catch us right away. Besides, my coworker is currently injured. It's impossible for him to move quickly. So I'll have to wait until his condition starts to improve."

"Yes, but without proper treatment, your co-worker's condition might even get worse."

"I know, Sir! But as of now, we have no other choice."

"You said earlier that you were held captive. Where were you held?"

"In a place not far from here. That place is in the border area between this city and the city next door, sir. So technically, it's actually a part of the neighboring city."

"You mean the forest that lies between this town and the town next door?"

"Yes, Sir."

Chioujen nodded. As Chioujen recalled, if he drew a straight line, Dafeisy Tower was only about ten kilometers from the city border. Chioujen had heard that Shannchyuan referred to the place as "zero point." Beyond that boundary was the territory of another city. However, the border of the neighboring city, which in its truest sense, namely the area inhabited by a large number of people, was about twenty-five kilometers from the "zero point". Along these twenty-five kilometers, on the right and left sides of the road, lies a forest which in some parts can be described as dense forest.

"So the thugs brought you there?"

"No, Sir! We were indeed exploring the place. At that time, they caught us and held us."

Chioujen remembered his friends' stories about Songfei holding games in the forest. For an instant, he had guessed that Maachaang and his friends might also have the same interests as Songfei. But soon he ruled out the possibility.

"How did you find this secret place? I, who had been in and out of this building for a year, didn't even know that there was still a floor under the basement floor, which was actually not used anymore."