The results were surprising. Experts managed to decipher the message stored in the celestial body. It contained a warning that there would be a major disaster in the old world. The disaster would be so catastrophic that it had the potential to wipe out most of the inhabitants there. It would become a reality decades later. Those experts were not so sure of their interpretation of the message, but they were inclined to guess that it would occur some seventy years after the landing of the celestial body on their old world. The message did not clearly state in detail what kind of disaster would occur. Shannchyuan and other people living at this time did not know whether the message was not detailed, or indeed the experts could not decipher all the messages stored in the celestial body.
The messages recorded in the celestial bodies were indeed scattered randomly. Composing the messages was not only deciphering and translating into a language they understood but also sorting them, like putting together a puzzle. Not all messages contained scary things. Many other messages were not related to the impending disaster. Among the other messages, there was a message stating that there were many other places in the universe whose conditions were very similar to the conditions of the old world of their ancestors. What was even more encouraging was the statement that some of those places were uninhabited. That was encouraging news. But the bigger problem was that the technology of their ancestors had not yet reached the level where they could build large ships that could sail across the universe to reach that new world.
In 1972, another celestial body slid into their old world. This time, the object landed at the north pole. Not exactly at the north pole because, unlike the south pole, the north pole was not covered by land. At that time, the experts more or less already knew how to decipher the messages in the object. So, they did not take too long to decipher the message contained in the second celestial body. Experts had never been able to identify the party who sent the message from outer space. They only knew that the ones who sent the messages were extraterrestrials whose technology was far more advanced than the people in the old world.
At the end of the new messages, the much more advanced race provided two options. The first option was that they would send instructions on how to build giant ships that would take humanity through space to safety. Everyone was aware that it was difficult, but not impossible to do. The second option was that the high-tech creatures would send the ships intact. They would give the instructions on how to run the vessel. It also didn't mean that their ancestors actually ran the ship in the sense of being a pilot, but just the ways of operating some machines on the ship. Namely, the devices related to the survival of the ship's passengers.
The level of technology in their old world was so low. So, Shannchyuan didn't know how the people in their old world even had willing to consider the first option. It was almost impossible for them to build hundreds of ships in such a short time. Shannchyuan had surmised that some of those who had insisted on defending the idea might have hoped that since it would be difficult for them to build the ships, the aliens would be there to direct them.
As soon as the message was deciphered, a heated debate broke out among the great powers of their old world. Some countries prefer the first option, while others prefer the second option. Each side has an equally convincing argument.