Chapter 174 : Duanmuh Shannchyuan

Suddenly the earphones in Shannchyuan's ears made a sound.

"Good evening Mr. Duanmuh! My name is Chioulin Shinnjaang. I am a police officer who handled the kidnapping case of your friend. The call you are receiving is part of an effort to test whether the equipment we have provided is functioning properly. Can you hear my voice through the earphones that you use? If you can clearly hear my voice, you can simply say that you will come to the Yuehming city council library tomorrow, after lunch."

Shannchyuan could hear the words clearly.

"Look, Sir! How about tomorrow afternoon I go there to give a detailed explanation about Mr. Symaa Dongshyr? Also, I would bring some additional documents that prove Mr. Symaa Dongshyr's work ethic."

"Okay, Sir!" Answer the voice coming from the caller.

"I'll be there sometime after lunch. This library is in the Yuehming town hall building, right?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Okay, then see you tomorrow."

"Thank you, Sir!"

The person who claimed to be Tzuooterng Herchyng then hung up the phone.

"Thank you, Sir!." said Chioulin Shinnjaang. "Now we just have to wait for the call from the kidnapper. You can remove the earphones now."

Shannchyuan and Tsaehorng then pulled the earphones out of their ear canals. Instinctively, Shannchyuan looked at the clock on the wall. Ten o'clock was still a long time.

"I think now is the time, Uncle," said Tsaehorng.

"Time to do what?" Yinqyueh's eyes looked straight into Shannchyuan's eyes with a probing look.

"You must go, now," said Shannchyuan. "But before that, I want to talk for a moment."

Jenqyih looked at them in surprise. But he didn't say anything.

Shannchyuan stood up, then walked toward his room. Yinqyueh followed Shannchyuan's steps from behind at such a close distance.

"Who did I go there with?" Yinqyueh instantly uttered those words when the two of them were already in the room.

"Of course with Miss Dihwuu, and escorted by Tsaehorng's driver. I think Tsaehorng has asked Miss Dihwuu to accompany you to the apartment. So you won't be alone there."

"Hmmm..." Yinqyueh touched Shannchyuan's arm. "When will Uncle catch up there?"

"Tomorrow afternoon, I'll try to get there. After that, we will go to Yuehming to have a look at the situation there. But of course it all depends on how things turn out after this. I don't know what Shinnshiow's kidnappers will ask for ransom, and in what way. So, now, I can't promise anything yet."

"Is that all Uncle want to say?"

"Of course not. There is another thing." Shannchyuan walked over to the bed. He crouched down and grabbed a small box slightly larger than a matchbox. After standing up, Shannchyuan held it out into Yinqyueh's hand.

"What's this?" Yinqyueh brought it closer to her face.

"Please save this thing for me. At least for the time being."

"What is this? Is it something so important?"

"It may not be important to other people, but to me, it's quite important. So I'm asking for your help."

"If this thing isn't important to other people, then there's no way anyone would take it away."

"I know. But if some burglars somehow manages to get into this house when we're not all around, he might just take the things that are here without a second thought. They might as well take this thing away. . Incidents like that are not rare in a robbery."

"Is this place unsafe?" Has anything like this ever happened in this housing complex?"

"Nothing like that ever happened here. I'm sure this place is actually still pretty safe."

"So, Uncle is worried that the people who kidnapped Brother Shinnshiow will break through here?"

"I don't think that's possible. After all, we already reported it to the police."


"So, Uncle is actually sure or not about the security here?"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with being more careful."

"Okay!" Yinqyueh took a deep breath. "Then where should I store this thing?"

"That's up to you. You can keep it somewhere you feel safe in the room Tsaehorng has prepared for you in his apartment."

"How long should I keep it?"

"Until when I asked for that thing back from your hand."