Shannchyuan started to descend the hole. This time, he quickly reached the bottom of the hole. There, he waited patiently for Chioujen's arrival. He knew this was Chioujen's first time, so it was only natural that it would take him a while to get to the bottom.
After Chioujen landed right beside him, Shannchyuan immediately explained what he already knew about the room. The last time Shannchyuan and his friends were there, they had locked the door on one wall of the room, which led to a secret underground passage. However, they did not cover the door with the things that looked like the cupboard. The objects stood scattered around the door in the wall.
Chioujen circled around while highlighting the entire wall there.
"Is there anything you want to ask about this dungeon?" Shannchyuan also aimed his flashlight all over the room.
Chioujen stopped walking. He focused his flashlight on the secret passage. Shannchyuan thought his friend would ask something related to the passage.
"For now, I think that's enough, Beaushu."
"Do you want to go back upstairs now, or is there something else you'd like to say?" Shannchyuan was absolutely sure that Chioujen had already chosen that time to say something.
"Now, I want to tell you about the things I have seen and experienced over the past three days." Finally, Chioujen made his point.
Shannchyuan nodded. "Good! I'd really like to hear your story." Even though he was sleepy, he felt so excited.
"So the story goes like this," said Chioujen.
"Let's sit there first." Shannchyuan pointed at the stone benches in the center of the room.
They both rushed towards the benches. "But before that, how about the photo I asked you to get from the document copying shop at the station?" Shannchyuan said that right after he sat down.
"I put it in my backpack. Do Beaushu want to see it right away?"
"No need. You just keep it for now."
"Okay. Now I'll start telling the story. If anything isn't clear, Beaushu can just ask. There's no need to wait until I finish."
Chioujen then started to tell his story. Shannchyuan listened eagerly. The fact that Chioujen was inside the building the same night he and Yinqyueh were trapped in the elevator surprised Shannchyuan.
"It's good that I've known you for decades. Otherwise, I would have thought by now that you are an extremely strange person," Shannchyuan said.
Shannchyuan chuckled. Chioujen's decision to hide when he realized that there was a possibility Shannchyuan was in the elevator was indeed almost unreasonable. This clearly had the potential to cause misunderstandings. Shannchyuan knew that there was always a good reason behind Chioujen's every action. Not everyone could understand those reasons. Regarding the incident at Dahfeisy Tower, Shannchyuan didn't blame Chioujen at all. Shannchyuan felt he would probably do the same if he were in Chioujen's position.
He was fully aware that almost everyone out there would think of them as weirdos. Shannchyuan agreed that their way of thinking often differed from how people think in general.
"Sorry, Beaushu. I hope Beaushu isn't offended."
"Why should I be offended?" Shannchyuan laughed. "You take it easy. I believe each person is a unique individual. So the strange decision you've made, I don't think it was a bad thing."
"Thank you, Beaushu."
"Now, please continue your story."
Chioujen then continued his story. Shannchyuan was intrigued when Chioujen mentioned the bright light he saw in the room of one unit in Dahfeisy Tower.
"The unit's entrance is unlocked?" Shannchyuan couldn't help but interrupt Chioujen's story.
"That's right, Beaushu! Hannrong said that all the units on the ninth floor should be locked.
"Isn't it possible that the tenants of the unit forgot to lock the door the last time they left the premises?"
"That's impossible. That unit hasn't been rented for a long time."
Shannchyuan laughed at the explanation.
"The bottom line is that the security in the building really sucks!"
"That place will be closing soon. I don't think that's too strange." Shannchyuan chuckled.
Chioujen nodded. He did not refute Shannchyuan's words.
"I'm not tired yet." Chioujen suddenly said that. "This is very important."
"Okay." Shannchyuan fiddled with his flashlight by highlighting the walls in the cellar. "Please continue."