Chapter 199 : Nangong Iren

The house was much bigger than theirs. The width of the land was the same but much longer inward. Iren had walked to the back of the house. He saw that the area of the house's backyard was only half the size of their backyard. Because the building area of the house was much larger, there was more room in the house. Currently, they were sitting in a room that functioned as a living room.

"A moment!" Shannchyuan poked Tsaehorng. "I want to call Yinqyueh first." According to their agreement, Shannchyuan would not call Yinqyueh from their own home. He was worried that their phone lines were being monitored by the criminals.

"Okay!" Said Tsaehorng. He then spoke to a policeman who was there. The police allowed them to borrow a phone there. One policeman led Tsaehorng and Shannchyuan into a room. About ten minutes later, Shannchyuan and Tsaehorng were again sitting beside them.

"What did Miss Liuchiou say?" Jenqyih asked.

"She's a bit upset," said Shannchyuan. "But I managed to calm her down."

"She's still very young. Dahge will have to be patient." Jenqyih laughed.

"What the hell did Dahge tell him?" Iren asked.

"Not much. Apart from saying that I can't go there and sending Yihshyong to replace me to take her to her relatives' house this afternoon, I'm just saying about where I am right now. Then also the fact that we must transit to the mall before going here."

"Are Dahge sure that today, Shyongge can escort Miss Liuchiou?" Iren asked. "I'm afraid there's not enough time."

"After we get home, Yihshyong can go right away," said Shannchyuan.

"The past few days, the unexpected has always happened. Everything that we had planned in advance has gone haywire. So in these few hours, something might happen. Of course, I didn't expect that anything unexpected would happen. But we must be prepared for all possibilities," said Iren.

"I know what you mean," said Shannchyuan. "I also told Miss Liuchiou earlier that there is always the possibility of a change of plans."

The door to one room opened. From behind the door came a familiar figure. One policeman also came out of the room. The policeman then guided the man into another room.

"The police also called him?" Iren muttered.

"Who is he anyway?" asked Chioujen.

"He's our new landlord," Jenqyih said.

"That nephew of our old landlord who just passed away?" asked Chioujen.

"Right! That's the person," said Iren.

Before their landlord died, the nephew did not live in that city. So Shannchyuan and his friends had never met that person before. That was why Chioujen, who had just returned from another city, had only had the opportunity to see that person this time.

"The police have spoken to him. I think we'll get a little extra time to occupy our house," Shannchyuan said. He smiled.

"Obviously, this is not an ordinary kidnapping case. Maybe even after Shinnshiow is released, the case isn't finished yet. So there's a possibility we can stay in that house a little longer," said Jenqyih.

"You mean he's going to let us live for free in that house?" asked Chioujen.

"If it wasn't free, maybe not at the new price he unilaterally set last month," Shannchyuan said.

Two policemen then approached them. One policeman said that he would take Songfei's belongings that they were currently carrying. He said they would only identify and document the items. Soon after that, the police would return the items. Shannchyuan instantly gave the blue bag they were carrying to the policeman. The policeman then walked into one room, holding the bag.

The other policeman said that Shannchyuan and his friends would take turns giving statements. Shannchyuan got the first turn. After that, it was Jenqyih's turn. Chioujen will provide information after Jenqyih. Shannchyuan promptly stood up and walked after the policeman.

"So I'm the last one? Why?" Iren asked. "The order of summons based on what? Chioujen hasn't even lived here all this time?"

"I don't know. The police have their own consideration. Maybe, according to the police, Chioujen can add some things we don't know," Jenqyih said.

Tsaehorng just smiled.
