They all then sat back down. It wasn't long before someone approached them. He was carrying a large bag.
"I'm sorry for making you have to wait so long here." That person's voice was similar to that of their old landlord. "My name is Borbae Reniau. I have something to give you, gentlemen." The man opened his bag right away. He took out two much smaller bags. He opened one of the small bags and showed its contents to Iren and his friends.
"This is a new telephone. We want you to replace your telephone with this one."
"Will our phone lines be secure after that?" Iren asked.
"Not necessarily, Sir. If the wiretapping took place in another place, such as a telephone pole or other places, your conversation will still not be safe."
Shannchyuan nodded.
"Does the telephone at your house use a splitter?" asked Borbae Reniau.
"We only have one phone, so there's no splitter," replied Shannchyuan. Except, of course, tools like the splitter that the police sent us yesterday."
"The device is already anti-tapping, but it would be even better if you added a splitter before connecting the telephone cable to the device," said Borbae Reniau.
"So you suggest we install a phone splitter?" Iren asked.
"That's better, Sir," said Borbae Reniau. He took a phone splitter out of his pocket and quickly put it in the small bag he had just opened.
"What if it turns out that the bugs are in other parts of our house? Not the telephones?" asked Chioujen.
"Good question," said Borbae Reniau. He then took out another small bag from the big bag beside him. He opened the small bag and took out its contents. They saw an instrument they had never seen before.
"What is that, Sir?" Iren asked.
"I think it's a tool to detect if there are bugs in the spot that we're going to check." Jenqyih preceded Borbae Reniau in answering Iren's question.
"You're right! How to use it has been explained in full in the manual that we have also provided."
"What if it turns out later that there is indeed a bug in our house?" asked Shannchyuan.
"Actually, we are not sure that a sound-tapping device is installed in your house. But to be sure, we provide this tool. So, if later it turns out that you really did find a wiretapping device, we have prepared other things."
"What other things?" asked Shannchyuan.
"You should report it."
"How to report it?"
"By saying a secret code as certain words when the police contact you later."
"What kind of secret code?" asked Shannchyuan.
"You just say that your family is sick. So, for example, you can say that you have to call your family because you got the news that a relative of yours is sick. Of course, it doesn't have to be like that. That's just the outline."
Shannchyuan nodded. "Thank you, Sir! We'll do that as soon as we get home."