As soon as Shannchyuan saw the light, his sight darkened. He couldn't see anything at all. All he could see was black and brown. He could hear people screaming in panic.
"Aaaaah!" Yinqyueh shouted so loudly.
Shannchyuan couldn't see Yinqyueh. But he knew Yinqyueh was still in front of him. He reflexively pulled Yinqyueh towards him. Shannchyuan grabbed the girl's head quickly. At the moment, the situation was perilous. The panicked crowd was likely to move wildly and erratically. Shannchyuan and Yinqyueh were currently in the middle of the crowd. The possibility of being trampled on by people was enormous.
Shannchyuan hugged Yinqyueh tightly. He remembered he was standing near a fairly large table. The table was the property of an impromptu stand on the ground floor. Shannchyuan didn't really pay attention to what stand it was. But if he wasn't mistaken, it was a children's toy stand. There were colorful toys spread out on the big table.
Shannchyuan planned to inch his way toward the table. He wanted to hide under the table. In his judgment, it was the most logical plan in a situation like the one he was currently facing. Shannchyuan hoped they wouldn't collide with other people while trying to approach the table. Earlier, the table was only about two meters from where Shannchyuan was standing. So it's really close. However, they might not necessarily be able to move smoothly there. Anything was still possible.
"I want us to take cover under the table to our right. I count to three. After that, we immediately move," Shannchyuan whispered in Yinqyueh's ear.
"I'm ready!" Yinqyueh said.
After counting to three, they started moving toward the right. It didn't go smoothly. Several times, they nudged people who sounded confused. Shouts and screams of people after another deafened Shannchyuan's ears. After moving for a while, according to Shannchyuan's estimation, he was now only a few centimeters from the table. That's when someone struck them hard. Shannchyuan staggered. Loss of balance, he almost fell. Yinqyueh shouted loudly. Shannchyuan was worried that Yinqyueh was hurt. He hugged the girl tighter.
Shannchyuan felt his waist had touched the edge of the table.
"We've reached the edge of the table. I'm counting to three. After that, straight away, we crouched down and directly rolled to the right side. I mean to my right side, which means your left side."
"Okay!" Yinqyueh's voice sounded slightly trembling.
"One, two, three!" Shannchyuan said in a loud voice. He had to make a loud voice because the surrounding atmosphere was so noisy. He was afraid that Yinqyueh wouldn't be able to hear his voice if he didn't scream.
Shannchyuan and Yinqyueh quickly squatted down. From behind, someone else hit him. Because Shannchyuan squatted, the person fell. Not only that, that person's body instantly fell on Shannchyuan.
"Ouch!" Yinqyueh shouted. That person also fell on Yinqyueh, who was squatting right in front of Shannchyuan. Shannchyuan tried to ward off that person who was currently above them. The firm push from Shannchyuan made the person fall to the left of Shannchyuan. Shannchyuan took the opportunity to push Yinqyueh to the right, under the table. With a few jolts, they finally made it under the table. Not too smooth either, because Shannchyuan's head had hit the edge of the table.
"Are you all right?" Shannchyuan asked once they were under the table. In a squatting state, Shannchyuan hugged Yinqyueh again.
"I'm fine. But I can't see," Yinqyueh said in a low voice.
"I can't see either," said Shannchyuan. "But don't worry. This blindness is only temporary. In fifteen to ten minutes, our sight will return to normal."
"Are you sure, Uncle?"
"Wasn't that what happened a few days ago?"
"But the situation back then wasn't exactly the same as it is now."
"I know. But we still have to think positive."
"Then what should we do now?"
"Nothing. We'll just stay here."
"So we wait here?" Yinqyueh's voice sounded doubtful.
"Of course. This place is the safest."