Chapter 217 : Shimen Yihshyong

Since the Jongshan, Beeiguu, Shiya, Donghwu and Nandao Clans were important clans, all members of the Duanmuh family belonging to those five special clans had priority on occupying the main ships in the 21st Fleet. So it shouldn't be possible for Duanmuh's family members to be passengers on the less important ships of the 21st Fleet. However, plans were not always in line with reality.

There were twelve young men from the Duanmuh family who were late to the place where the giant ships were taking off. Five of the twelve youths surnamed Duanmuh were from the Nandao Clan. The other four youths were from the Jongshan, Beeiguu, Shiya, and Donghwu Clans respectively. The other three, also surnamed Duanmuh, were from clans that were not among the elite. They could be together with the elite Duanmuhs because they were the servants of one of them.

The youth's reasoning made no sense to their family members, who had already boarded the main ships. The youths said that they had to help the less fortunate people who wanted to join the colony's ships, but couldn't because of various obstacles. Yihshyong did not know if the youths had succeeded in helping those poor people. Shannchyuan himself didn't seem to know any further about the fate of those less fortunate.

What Yihshyong knew, of course, from what Shannchyuan had said, was that the young men had finally boarded the last ship of the 21st Fleet. The giant ship was so big and roomy. The youths then found their life partner on the ship. Indeed, according to historical records, there were many single men and women on the ship. They then breed on the ship along the way.

The descendants of the five youths who came from the Nandao clan, then divided their clan into five clans. Each clan was descended from each of the five youths. The splinter clans of the Nandao Clan were Jongnandao, Beeinandao, Shinandao, Dongnandao, and Tiannandao.

There were also members of the Nandao Clan who refused to join any of the new five clans. Those who insisted on it still declared themselves to be members of the one and undivided Nandao Clan. The members of the new five splinter clans referred to them as Jennandao.

Their descendants became important figures during the migration from the old world to the new world. Duanmuh Jinqkang was a member of the Jongnandao clan. Meanwhile, Duanmuh Shannchyuan was a member of the Tiannandao Clan. Even though they were split into five different clans, or six clans if the root clan was counted, the relationship between the clans was very close. Such circumstances made it difficult for the other clans to shake the influence of the Nandao Clan and its five splinter clans.

The Duanmuh family who settled in the new world consisted entirely of sixteen clans. They were the five main Duanmuh clans, namely Jongshan, Beeiguu, Shiya, Donghwu and Nandao. Then the five new clans that were part of the Nandao Clan. The last six clans were the less important Duanmuh clans in the old world.

Quickly, the people from the six Duanmuh Clans, namely the Nandao Clan and its five splinter clans, or rather the Duanmuh Clan from the last ship in the 21st Fleet, dominated the new world. It could be said that they were the rulers of the new world. The family members belonging to the six clans received extraordinary privileges.

Family members from the other four Duanmuh clans, who belong to the elite group, although not in power, still got some privileges. The rest, the six insignificant Duanmuh clans, were about the same standing as the other commoners. The difference was that sometimes they get a bit of ease when trouble or disaster befell them.

The new world was vast. Thousands of times larger than their old world. In addition, the composition of land and water in the new world was inversely proportional to the composition of land and water in the old world. However, during the first two thousand years there, the human community only dared to stay around where their ancestors landed, which was about five hundred kilometers east of this giant city. Only then did they venture to spread to all corners of the new world.

Like the other families, the sixteen clans were also scattered throughout the new world. Although the distribution was not evenly distributed. Most of Duanmuh was concentrated in the central region. Duanmuh family members were very rare in areas far from the center of power, for example, in Yeuandong. The Duanmuh family in Yueandong was one of the few Duanmuhs living there. Yihshyong had heard Shannchyuan say that his family had lived in Yeuandong for more than twenty generations.