Chapter 222 : Nangong Iren

Police and health workers have entered all corners of the building, including the part of the building where Iren and his friends were. As far as Iren knew, everyone around them fell unconscious, or at least briefly fainted. The strange incident they had just experienced had created a confusing situation. Everyone looked at each other questioningly.

Iren and his friends sat where they had previously sat while waiting for the food they ordered to be ready. The police told them to wait there. Apart from them, there were several other diners who had fainted in the restaurant. Almost all the restaurant staff also gathered there.

In order to prevent chaos if at the same time everyone is scrambling to get out of the building, the police set the time and route for visitors to exit the building. The presence of the police seemed to be able to calm them down. Everyone patiently waited for their turn to leave the building.

Since Iren and his friends were on the fifth floor, they had to wait a long time until it was their turn to get out of there. While waiting for their turn, the police forbade them to walk to other parts of the building. The atmosphere was a little eerie, but at the same time, boring. Even though the police were already there, Iren couldn't hide the anxiety that was running through his heart.

Jenqyih, who also looked so bored, suddenly stood up.

"Yihge, where are you going?" Chioujen looked on in surprise.

"I feel so bored." Jenqyih sighed. "Aren't you bored?"

Tsaehorng nodded. "I'm sure we all think the same. But we have to wait patiently."

"How long should we wait?" Jenqyih frowned. "We don't have much time. We have to get home as soon as possible."

"There are things we can't control," said Iren. "We have to accept that fact."

"Then what about Shinnshiow?" Jenqyih was still standing. It seemed that he was already prepared to take a step forward.

"Let's just think positive, Uncle," said Tsaehorng. "Hopefully, the kidnappers can understand that we tried hard."

"If they can understand and we can talk to each other nicely, surely they won't kidnap people." Jenqyih clenched his palms. Iren knew that Jenqyih's mood must be really bad.

Jenqyih finally inched away from the table where they sat.

"Yihge, where are you going?" Iren repeated the question Chioujen had previously asked.

"I'll ask them." Jenqyih pointed at the two policemen who were guarding the entrance to the restaurant. Jenqyih moved towards them right away.

Iren acted quickly. He quickly stood up and followed Jenqyih. The distance between their table and the entrance was close enough that Iren could hear clearly when Jenqyih started asking questions. Just as Iren expected, Jenqyih asked about the situation in the main hall, which was located on the ground floor of the building.


One of the two policemen said that their colleagues on the ground floor were evacuating the victims lying in the great hall.


The policeman then explained that there had been a light explosion on the ground floor. Iren and Jenqyih looked at each other. It was clear that the look in Jenqyih's eyes had a hint of anxiety.
