Yihshyong glanced at his watch. It's now 7:59 p.m. He only had a minute to decide which bin to stand in. In trepidation, he looked once more around him. He once again looked at the five trash cans. There was nothing special about the five bins. Each trash can consists of three parts, namely the green, yellow, and red trash cans. The green one was for organic waste. The yellow one was for inorganic waste. And the red one was for garbage that contains toxic and dangerous materials.
Suddenly he withdrew the impression. Yihshyong furrowed his brows.
Various questions raced through Yihshyong's mind. He really didn't know which trash to go to. He looked at his watch. It's eight o'clock. Like it or not, he had to choose. Without a second thought, Yihshyong walked to the trash can closest to him. With steady steps, he headed there. Arriving there, just like the kidnappers' instructions. He stood beside the trash can.
Thirty seconds he stood there. Even though it was only thirty seconds, it felt like hours. During those thirty seconds, there was no movement whatsoever. Yihshyong almost gave up. He had thought that because he was late standing beside the trash can, the kidnappers canceled their agreement. But at the thirty-first second, he saw something.
A man who had been sitting alone on a stone bench suddenly stood up. After standing, he sat down again. Yihshyong was disappointed. But the next second, his eyes widened. The person sitting on the stone bench suddenly stood up again, then sat down again. That person's behavior was bizarre. It wasn't even enough for him to do that twice. A few seconds later, he did the same thing again. Jinqkang, who was sitting on one of the stone benches, looked at the person, and then at Yihshyong.
The person sitting on the stone bench then stood up again. But unlike before, this time, he didn't sit back down again. He stood looking left and right. After that, he walked up to Yihshyong. Yihshyong was relieved and panicked. He didn't know how to deal with that person. If that person was really part of the kidnapping herd, he probably already knew how Shannchyuan sounded. Although his appearance was very similar to Shannchyuan, but as soon as Yihshyong opened his mouth, people would immediately know that he was not Shannchyuan.
The man walked up to him. Yihshyong was ready. The person then stopped in front of the trash can. He reached into his pocket and pulled out an old battery. Then throw the battery into the red trash can. After that, he immediately turned around and walked away. Yihshyong was surprised. That person didn't mean to meet him.
Suddenly, someone else approached. He was the one sitting on another stone bench. Just like the previous person, he immediately walked closer to Yihshyong. After arriving in front of the trash can, he glanced briefly at the three different colored trash cans. After that, he turned his gaze directly to Yihshyong. The person looked Yihshyong in the eye. Yihshyong shuddered. His eyes were cold and scary.
The person walked closer to Yihshyong. He stopped when his body was right in front of Yihshyong. This time, Yihshyong was ready. This person's standing position was very advantageous for Yihshyong. The man was standing right on the parallel line between Yihshyong and Jinqkang. Now Yihshyong could see Jinqkang sitting on the stone bench without taking his eyes off the person in front of him.
"Are you Mr. Duanmuh Shannchyuan?" asked the person. His voice was heavy. Like the voice of a heavy smoker who used to consume more than twenty cigarettes in one day.
Yihshyong nodded. He tried hard not to look scared.