Yihshyong was silent for a moment. Iren didn't know if Yihshyong had any objections that he had cut off Yihshyong's words, or if something else was on his mind.
"Nothing. It's just my intuition."
"Oh." Iren answered briefly.
Yihshyong took a deep breath. "After that, Tsaehorng's driver, namely Mr. Juger, his health condition suddenly deteriorated drastically. He had to be rushed to the hospital. Because his condition deteriorated when he was here, so, in a way, we were involved too. I hope Tsaehorng is willing to provide further information , as well as the latest news regarding Mr. Juger's condition."
Tsaehorng nodded. "Of course, Uncle."
Yihshyong continued his words. After that, something shocking happened. Jinqkang witnessed an accident that happened in front of the grocery store in front of our housing complex. At the scene, Jinqkang found the pen that Shinnshiow had brought from home when he was kidnapped. Although we suspect the pen has something to do with the people involved in the accident, but I think we should still consider other possibilities. It could have fallen off when Shinnshiow walked past that place."
Yihshyong paused for a moment once more. His style was similar to that of Shannchyuan. Iren realized that Shannchyuan's style had rubbed off on all of them. It's possible that in one year they would all become clones of Shannchyuan. Iren tried not to laugh when the thought crossed his mind.
"On the evening, Iren, Jinqkang,and I went to hand over the ransom items to the kidnappers. Once again, thank you very much to Tsaehorng for lending us the car and driver."
Tsaehorng nodded. "You're welcome, Uncle."
On the way, Mr. Gongshi, Tsaehorng's driver, realized that someone was following us. According to Jinqkang, the car that was following us was exactly the same as the car that was involved in the accident in front of the grocery store in front of our housing complex. The one who brought the car at the time of the accident was a neighbor who lived in the house to the right of our house. Jinqkang wasn't sure that it was the same car. But we must consider the possibility that our neighbor is indeed very curious about our business."
Jenqyih raised his hand. "I think our neighbor is suspicious. It's not the only time or twice that we've caught him looking so curious about what we're doing."
Iren looked around. Jinqkang and Tsaehorng didn't know their neighbors, so it was only natural that their faces didn't show any expression. But Chioujen, who also didn't know the person, showed a different reaction. Among them, Chioujen was the one who rarely showed his emotions. So, Iren already understood that Chioujen's strange facial expression like that, he usually showed when there were things that really bothered his mind.
"We know little about our neighbor's background. I wish we could know more about him," Yihshyong said.
Tsaehorng raised his hand.
"What's wrong, Tsaehorng?" Yihshyong asked.
"What if I ask someone to help investigate Uncle's neighbors?"
Jenqyih looked at Tsaehorng. "You mean hiring a detective or something?"
"No, Uncle," said Tsaehorng. "Maybe it works like that, but they're not detectives. I don't have to pay them, anyway."
"No need to pay? Then what do they get in return?" Iren asked.
"Regarding that, all I can say is that they are indebted to my family," replied Tsaehorng.
"But their investigation will take time. Meanwhile, we must receive information as soon as possible," said Jenqyih.
"What do you think Shyongge?" Iren asked.
"In my opinion, if this really doesn't incriminate Tsaehorng, what's the harm in trying? Even if the investigation can't immediately obtain the information we need, we also have nothing to lose. Wouldn't it be that if there wasn't an investigation, then we wouldn't get any information?" Yihshyong said.
"Okay, Uncle! Later, when I get home from here, I will contact them immediately."
"Isn't it too late? Wouldn't they be mad if you just showed up at a time when everyone was supposed to be resting?" Jenqyih's voice was full of astonishment.
"I don't know," said Tsaehorng. "But this is an emergency. After I explain, I hope they will understand."
"Are you going to tell them everything?" Iren asked.
"Of course not," said Tsaehorng. "I know that there are things we shouldn't tell the other party. Don't worry about it."
"Thank you." Yihshyong bowed respectfully. "Now let's move on to the next thing."