Yihshyong knew that, like him, Jenqyih might also feel that the events that had befallen them that day were too much for Jinqkang. All of them who were there had experienced things like that for a few days, so if something new happened again, it wouldn't be too surprising.
"It's all right, Sir!" Jinqkang replied. "So many things have happened today. I don't know what to say. I'm a little tired, but I can bear it. Gentlemen here, please don't worry."
From Jinqkang's tone, Yihshyong could tell there was a hint of fear. But, at the same time, there also radiated a kind of passion or great curiosity. Yihshyong knew Jinqkang was still so young that perhaps the young man didn't understand what he was feeling either.
When he decided to wander in Shannchyuan's footsteps, Yihshyong was afraid. Afraid of facing things or problems that he has never faced before, but at the same time, Yihshyong felt an extraordinary passion and passion to discover new things. Maybe the thing he felt at that time was similar to Jinqkang's feeling now.
"If you are tired, you should just rest in one room," said Iren. "You can use Shinnshiow's bed. Uh, tonight, you're staying here, right?"
Jinqkang turned to Tsaehorng.
"Of course, Uncle. I have already lent Jinqkang to all of you." Tsaehorng smiled broadly. "Jinqkang, you can rest if you feel tired."
"No, Sir! I'm not tired yet." Jinqkang answered firmly.
Yihshyong smiled. It was clearly impossible for Jinqkang to enter the room right now. Except for Tsaehorng, the people there were all much older than him. He would definitely feel embarrassed if he rested first.
"It's getting late. We shouldn't waste time. I think it's best if we open this package now. Aren't the police also waiting for information from us?" said Tsaehorng.
Yihshyong nodded. He grabbed the package that lay in front of him. Just like the message they got this afternoon, they also found a wooden box inside the package. The wooden box was exactly the same as the wooden box that arrived this afternoon. This fact made Yihshyong sure that the package they found must have been sent by the same party.
Without hesitation, Yihshyong opened the wooden box. Inside the wooden box were two photographs, and a neatly folded sheet of paper. Yihshyong's eyes immediately fell on the two photos. In the first photo, a man was seen showing the first page of a newspaper. One glance, Yihshyong could recognize the man in the photo. That man was Shinnshiow. His face looked flat. He didn't look happy or sad. Yihshyong could also clearly see the date in the newspaper. The newspaper was today's edition.
"They must have taken this photo this morning," said Iren as Yihshyong handed him the photo.
"Shiowdi looks fine," Jenqyih said.
"That's a relief. It seems they did keep their promise," said Iren.
Yihshyong turned his attention to another photo. He automatically frowned after paying attention to the object in the photo. The photo showed a bag that was roughly the same size as the bag Songfei had with them. The color was also similar, namely dark blue.
"What is this?" Chioujen's face changed slightly when he saw the photo of the bag.
Iren took the photo and brought the photo closer to his face. He looked at the object in the photo.
"Let Shyongge read the instructions first." Jenqyih pointed to another object that was also in the wooden box, namely neatly folded paper.
Yihshyong grabbed the paper. Carefully, he unfolded the paper. It turned out that there were two sheets of paper in the fold.
"It's like a letter." Yihshyong spread out the two sheets of paper on the table.
"Please, Uncle, read the contents of the letters first," said Tsaehorng.