The street lighting did not function as a reading lamp. The light that came out of the lamp was enough to illuminate the road and the bus stop. However, it was almost impossible to use it as a reading lamp. Yihshyong, who was much younger than Shiuander, had a little trouble seeing the bag clearly in the photo. Moreover, Shiuander Janji, who may be the same age or older than Horngshi Gauchyh, a neighbor who lives in the house which was located right next to their house.
"Maybe we should move somewhere else, Sir?" Yihshyong made a suggestion.
"No need, Mr. Shimen. Although I couldn't see clearly, but in general I have an idea of what kind of bag you mean. I certainly don't know every product from the Mhaushyongwoei brand. I think we should contact my friend immediately."
"Thank you, Sir! I hope we don't bother you."
"Absolutely not. We are neighbors. Neighbors do have to help each other. I will help you as much as I can."
"Once again, thank you very much, Sir!"
"But it's late at night. It's impossible for us to come to my friend's place right now. So I think I'll take you there early in the morning."
"Is he okay if we suddenly show up for his help?"
"I think it's okay. He really wakes up early every day. After he wakes up, he usually does exercise, listens to the radio or reads the newspaper. So our arrival will not disturb his routine schedule."
"Thank you, Sir! I think I should go home now to rest."
"So am I, Sir. I have to go home too! At my age, I shouldn't be out too long. The night air can have a terrible effect on my lungs."
The two of them then got up from the bench at the bus stop. The frosty night air made them walk quickly as they returned home together. In a short time, they had arrived in front of Shiuander Janji's house.
"What time do we leave tomorrow, Sir?" Yihshyong really wished that they could leave so early in the morning.
"Do you think six o'clock is too early?"
"Absolutely not, Sir!"
"Okay! Tomorrow we leave at six. We'll just use my car."
"Thank you, Sir!"
"I'll go in first," said Shiuander Janji.
"Please, Sir!"
Shiuander Janji then opened the gate of his house. As he closed the gate, he sighed.
"It's a very safe place. In my five months of living here, nothing disturbing has happened. I think this is the safest home I've had in my nearly twenty years of living in this city. It is unbelievable that something like this could happen."
Yihshyong nodded. "Things like this can happen anywhere, Sir!"
"See you at six o'clock," said Shiuander Janji.
"Good night, Sir!" Yihshyong nodded respectfully.
Shiuander Janji turned his body. He walked to the entrance of his house. After opening the door, he immediately disappeared behind the door that separated the terrace and living room of his house.
Yihshyong was still standing transfixed in front of the gate of Shiuander Janji's house. After the old man entered the house, Yihshyong also didn't move from where he was standing. He pondered for a moment, thinking about what Shiuander Janji said. It was true that the housing complex where they lived was so safe. During the one year he lived there, he had never heard of anything extraordinary happening.