The person who looked very much like their dahge, Duanmuh Shannchyuan, stretched out his right hand as the tall and bulky man carrying a long wooden staff arrived right in front of him. The tall and bulky man immediately gave the wooden staff to him. Their "dahge" held the wooden stick while observing it for a while. He nodded and smiled. After that, he returned the wooden staff to the tall man.
After saying something, which Yihshyong couldn't guess at all, their dahge then got into the car.
"Dahge got into that car voluntarily!" Iren's voice sounded so surprised."
The car walked away with their dahge inside.
"Where has he gone? What should we do now?" Iren's eyebrows rose high. There was anxiety in his voice.
"I don't know." Yihshyong shook his head. "There's nothing we need to do. I don't think Dahge is in any danger. So we don't need to worry."
"You really believe we don't have to do anything?"
"This must have been in his plans. If we act rashly, I'm afraid we'll end up messing up Dahge's plans."
Iren nodded. His face still looked unsure. "Are we going to wait for Dahge to come back?"
"Wait where?"
"Of course, in this diner."
"We don't know what time he'll be back here. We don't even know if Dahge will ever be back to this place. Maybe this is just one of those places where he finds clues to things he's investigating. Now he's going to the other places to look for other clues."
"What is Shyongge talking about? Clues about which incident?"
"I don't know either. Maybe Dahge will tell us when it's clear."
Iren sat up nervously.
Yihshyong took a deep breath. "Don't worry too much. I'm sure there must be a reasonable explanation for all of this."
"Then we'd better go back to Mr. Shiuander's friend's warehouse now." Iren turned back to look out the window.
"It's still a few minutes to eleven. If we go back now, I'm sure we'll have a long wait there."
"Waiting here is also the same. In fact, it's not good if we wait here too long. Don't we impede other people's business?"
"Inhibiting what business? Right now, apart from the two of us, there are only four other customers in this diner. Don't worry. Neither party will be bothered by our presence here." Yihshyong chuckled. "I want us to stick to our original plan. We will be back at Mr. Jingdu's warehouse at twelve o'clock."
"Then I'll order another drink. We'll still be sitting for the next hour. It won't be nice if we order nothing else."
"Fine! We'll order more drinks." Yihshyong nodded.
They then called the waitress to order additional drinks. Not even three minutes later, the drinks had arrived. Iren was so happy when he saw the glasses.
"Here's one for me, and one for you."
After taking one gulp, Yihshyong then laid his head down on the table again.
"Are you going to sleep again?"
"Yes." Yihshyong nodded quickly. "Earlier I only slept for such a short time. So I want to continue first. You'll wake me up when it's twelve o'clock."
Just as Yihshyong closed his eyes, he felt someone shaking his shoulder.
"What else is there? Is Dahge back across the street yet?"
"You have to see that. Come on! Let's see!"