Tsaehorng and Jinqkang's faces looked confused and tense. Chioujen did not immediately say what the kidnapper wanted. That seemed to make Tsaehorng's and Jinqkang's faces look even more contorted.
"The point is, after we transfer Songfei's belongings into the new bag, the kidnappers want us not to just randomly fill the old bag. They want us to fill the old bag with the same items as the ones we moved."
"So they want us to look for items that are like the other items we moved into the fresh bag?" Tsaehorng raised his eyebrows.
"Right!" Chioujen said.
"That's impossible!" Iren shook his head. It was only natural for Yihshyong to be furious. It was an unreasonable request.
"I realized it would be very difficult for us to get items that were one hundred percent the same, but at least from the same brand and type," said Chioujen.
"As Chioujen said earlier, it is not impossible for us to do this if there is enough time," said Jenqyih. "The problem is they only give us such a short amount of time."
"How much time did they give? When should we hand over the two bags to them?" asked Iren.
Jenqyih took a deep breath. "Just three hours!"
"Three hours from twelve? Does that mean they want us to drop the bags off at three o'clock, before sunrise?" Jinqkang's eyes widened.
"That's right," Chioujen said. "They again postponed the handover of the ransom goods to three o'clock, when the situation was not much different from midnight."
"What is the kidnapper's excuse?" Asked Tsaehorng.
"Based on information from the police, the kidnappers reasoned we should do this so that the police would not become suspicious. The police will definitely check the items in Songfei's bag before we take them to the place where the ransom items are handed over," Jenqyih said.
"The police really have to check the bag. In cases like this, usually the police will install a tracking device on the bag used as a container for goods or ransom money. To install a tracking device, the police must open the bag. Once the police open the bag, of course they'll realize we've changed the contents if we just put other items at random instead of the ones we've moved into the extra bag," Chioujen said.
"So, actually, the kidnappers' demands are quite reasonable." Tsaehorng nodded.
"Of course it makes sense. However they should have given us sufficient time to search for the same items. Moreover, they should have emphasized this point in the letter they sent us last night. By using such an annoying method like this, it's obvious that they don't know what planning is all about." Jenqyih grumbled.
"I believe the kidnappers already suspect that we are cooperating with the police. So it really doesn't matter what items we put in Songfei's bag," Chioujen said.
"So you think there's another reason?" Jenqyih turned to Chioujen.
"As I mentioned earlier, when I opened our emergency meeting." Chioujen nodded in a reassuring motion. "First, they delayed the handover of the ransom items from ten at night to twelve at night. Then now, they've postponed it again until three o'clock. I feel this delay has a lot to do with their plan. Escaping from the police is definitely not a simple thing. They need a lot of preparation. So I'm sure this delay is part of their preparations. Maybe something has happened to them, so they need extra time to smooth out their actions."
"But Mr. Gongyang's original bag will only be filled with replacement items. Why did they plan such a clever strategy to take the bag and run away from the police?" Jinqkang looked straight at Chioujen.