The two of them then sat back down on the bench. Just like before, the two of them spent their time sitting in silence. Jenqyih refrained from saying something. He didn't want to say something wrong that would arouse Yihshyong's emotions. He understood that Yihshyong, as the interim head of their group, must be carrying a heavy burden.
Yihshyong, after taking a deep breath, took out the paper that he had pocketed earlier. He began to read the letters again.
Jenqyih just watched. He really hoped that this time Yihshyong would find something.
"Why didn't this occur to me before?" Yihshyong shouted loudly.
"What is it?" A glimmer of hope burst into Jenqyih's heart. What Yihshyong discovered could be a tremendous breakthrough.
"Here. Try reading it." Yihshyong pointed to a paragraph on the first sheet of paper.
In that paragraph, the kidnapper said that they bought Shinnshiow a pair of shoes. The shoes Shinnshiow previously wore fell apart during the kidnapping.
"It seems the kidnappers want to lead us to something to do with shoes." Jenqyih exclaimed happily.
Yihshyong stood up in a flash. "The drunk man threw his shoe into the bushes behind us!"
"Come on, let's find it quickly!" Jenqyih immediately jumped into the bushes without waiting for Jenqyih's answer.
Jenqyih froze for a moment before following what Yihshyong was doing. The two of them then examined the thickly growing bushes.
"I found the right shoe!" Yihshyong screamed loudly.
"You just check the shoe first. I'm still looking for the other shoe."
A few minutes later, Jenqyih managed to find the left one. Straightway, he returned to the long bench to check the shoes.
"I found nothing in this right shoe," said Yihshyong. "Let's examine carefully the shoes you found."
Jenqyih put his hand inside the shoe. He felt something on the toe of the shoe. He pulled the thing out. It turned out to be a lump of paper. Besides that, he still felt that there was something else at the end of the shoe. Jenqyih quickly took it out.
"It looks like a letter." Jenqyih gave the wad of paper to Yihshyong. "And here is a key." Jenqyih looked at a key in his grip.
"Where's the flashlight you brought from home earlier?" Yihshyong cast his gaze around them.
Jenqyih looked around for a while. Turned out the flashlight was lying under the bench. Maybe it had been kicked by the drunk. "Here's the flashlight."
When he started reading the letter, Yihshyong's expression slightly changed.
"What's in it?"
"They want us to go to a place called 'The Red Soil River.' Over there, we must give these ransom items."
"Is there enough time? That place is a bit far, isn't it?"
"Eh? Do you know where that place is? Have you been there?"
"I've been there once. But I just stopped by. So, I was only there for a short time. Of course, didn't have time to look around thoroughly."
"From here, roughly, how long will it take us to get there?"
Jenqyih shook his head with a sigh. "I can't be sure. It's actually a bit far from here. At that time, I visited several places in one day. After all, I didn't leave from here. So the situation wasn't the same."
"You go there during the day, right?"
Jenqyih nodded. "That's right. The traffic sure was heavy. We hope that after midnight, like this, maybe there's less traffic, so we can get there a lot quicker."
"On this paper, they don't say what time we should be there. They only wrote that these things that we carry must have passed into their hands before dawn."
"Let's not waste time. We have to get back to the car right now." Jenqyih was a bit panicked. He felt his heart beat much faster.