Chapter 399 : Dongfang Jenqyih

With light steps, Dongfang Jenqyih walked out of the bedroom. He looked at the clock hanging on the wall.


Even though he was still sleepy, Jenqyih still remembered clearly that after leaving the police station, he arrived home at eight o'clock in the morning. The weather outside the house was so bright. But he wasn't the least bit interested in that. There was only one thing on his mind, which was to get some rest.

It was still clear in his mind that before, he and Yihshyong were handcuffed in a canoe in the middle of the lake. It took the police about twenty minutes to free them and bring them to the shore of the lake. After that, they had to go to the police station to testify and provide some information.

At the police station, they met Iren and Tsaehorng. The two men were also there to give statements to the police. Just like Jenqyih and Yihshyong, their two friends also looked so tired and sleepy.

They were not long at the police station. Actually, the police had not finished questioning them. But because the condition of the four of them could not be said to be good at all, the police allowed them to go home. The police believed that under such conditions, they likely would not be able to answer all the questions accurately.

Of course, they still had to provide information. The police only briefly postponed the things they had to do. Those officers promised to come to their house to continue the process. The police did not say exactly what time they would be arriving. Jenqyih and the other friends did not ask any further.

Police station at Yuehming was not that far from their house. However, that close distance felt like thousands of kilometers.Along the way, Jenqyih's neck drooped several times because it could no longer support his head.

When he got home, Jenqyih was half asleep. Even though he had heard Yihshyong and Tsaehorng said something to Chioujen and Jinqkang, he had not paid the slightest attention to what the two of them had said. In his mind, he just wanted to dart straight into the bedroom, where there was a bed with a very soft surface.

Jenqyih woke up because in his sleep he felt very thirsty. So, now he immediately headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Jenqyih was lucky because there was still a bottle of water on the table in the kitchen. In the refrigerator, there was still a lot of water. But Jenqyih didn't want to drink such cold water. At least, not in the morning like that.

After finishing drinking a glass of water, he returned to the dining room right away. Previously, when he left the room, Jenqyih had seen Chioujen sitting at their dining table. At first, he thought Chioujen was reading something. But now, when Jenqyih approached Chioujen, he realized Chioujen was asleep.


Still with light and very careful steps, Jenqyih walked into the living room. He could hear the sound of the television. When he got there, Jinqkang was indeed on the couch. But the young man was not watching television. Just like Chioujen, he also fell asleep.
