"I don't think so. His writing isn't as neat as this. The shapes of some letters aren't the same either. Jenqyih, what do you think?" Yihshyong handed the paper to Jenqyih.
"I don't think so, Sir. Shinnshiow usually writes letters wider than this. Besides, the angles he makes tend to be broken. They don't curve as smoothly as this writing," said Jenqyih.
"What's the matter, Sir?" Yihshyong looked so curious.
"Nothing. We just have to check if this is Mr. Beeihae's writing."
"Are the clothes that Mr. Beeihae was wearing the same clothes when he was kidnapped? Yihshyong's tone was very serious.
"The clothes Mr. Beeihae was wearing were different from the clothes gentlemen here described previously. So the kidnappers had given him new clothes. That's why we asked about the paper we found in the pocket of the clothes."
Jenqyih nodded at Chioulin Shinnjaang's words.
"May I have the paper back, please?"
"Please, Sir." Jenqyih had no other choice but to give the paper back to Chioulin.
"Excuse me, Sir! Did gentlemen come here just to ask this?" Yihshyong asked.
"Of course not, Sir! There is something else." Chioulin Shinnjaang turned to his other co-worker.
The police officer named Chuanduan Shiangren opened the bag he was carrying. He took out a transparent plastic bag. Inside the plastic bag was a cloth that looked crumpled.
"What cloth is that, Sir?" Yihshyong asked.
"This is a handkerchief," Chuanduan replied.
Yihshyong's brow furrowed. "What? A handkerchief?"
Jenqyih was also no less surprised. The handkerchief, which was quite unique, was light blue. Apart from being much larger than a normal handkerchief, the shape was also odd, namely a rhombus instead of a square.
"Is this handkerchief belonging to Mr. Beeihae?" Chioulin Shinnjaang took the plastic bag from his coworker's hand. He then gave it to Yihshyong.
"I don't think this handkerchief belongs to Mr. Beeihae." Yihshyong answered firmly.
It was beyond Jenqyih's prediction. He had thought that, just like before, Yihshyong would think for a bit before answering Chioulin's question.
"Thank you, Sir!" Chioulin said. "We found this handkerchief lying at a point in the hospital parking lot. The car that brought Mr. Beeihae was previously parked there."
"That means this handkerchief belongs to the person who brought Mr. Beeihae there." Jenqyih tried to draw conclusions.
"Everything is still a possibility, Sir. We also must not be rash in drawing conclusions," said Chioulin.
"Other than this, was there anything else that led you here?" Yihshyong seemed to realize that the scribbled papers and the handkerchief were not the only reason the police were present at their home.
"That's right, Sir! Besides the things we have mentioned, we still have another goal. And that is precisely the most important thing."