Chapter 430 : Beeihae Shinnshiow

"Hmm…. I remember I was lying tied up in a dark room together with Yinqyueh. After that, I fainted again. Then, I didn't know how long after I passed out, I faintly heard someone coming to help us."

"So, between the two incidents, Dahge remember nothing?"

Shannchyuan shook his head.

"What did the doctor said?" Yihshyong turned to Tsaehorng.

"The doctor said Uncle Duanmuh has partial amnesia. So, he only forgets things that have happened over a period of time."

"What's the reason?" asked Iren.

"The reasons can vary. In Uncle Duanmuh's case, they haven't been able to give a definite answer."

"What kind of hospital is this? Everything is so uncertain." Jenqyih looked displeased.

"Jenqyih, don't be like that. What's important is that I'm fine now. I think tomorrow I'll also recover as before." Shannchyuan smiled.

"Sorry Dahge, maybe there really is something that's bothering my mind." Jenqyih took a deep breath.

"Maybe you're hungry," Shannchyuan said.

"Speaking of hunger, did Tsaehorng tell Dahge about what happened to Shinnshiow?" Yihshyong asked.


"He already said that Shinnshiow was poisoned," said Shannchyuan.

"The doctor said that. I don't know the details either," said Tsaehorng. "Perhaps Uncle Beeihae can tell us all in person."

"I think you are much better now," Iren told Shinnshiow. "So I don't think telling you about it is something that will make your health condition worse."

Shinnshiow nodded. He then told him everything he remembered, not just what happened this morning. But several times he was silent because he had to arrange the right words. There was Tsaehorng there. He knew that there were things they had to hide. Shinnshiow didn't know what kind of developments had taken place so far. So he had to guess what things he shouldn't say when Tsaehorng was there.

Everyone looked at Shinnshiow with faces that were hard to describe when Shinnshiow had finished telling his story.

"So you have absolutely no idea where you were?" Shannchyuan raised his eyebrows.

"This may sound strange to your ears. However, there isn't much I can explain about that place. When I arrived at the place, I was in a trance. When I was brought out by Mister Horngshi, I was also unconscious. While I was there, I was just in the room."

"They never gave you a chance to work out any muscles, or anything else, outside of that room?" Yihshyong asked.

Shinnshiow shook his head. "The bathroom is in the room, so I really didn't need to go anywhere. From start to finish, I was just there. Except for the time I managed to sneak out and call our house. That was a blink."

"Then how did the poison enter your body?" Jenqyih asked.

Shinnshiow just shook his head again.

"There may be more important questions," said Shannchyuan. "That is, was this intentional or just an accident?"

Yihshyong continued with Shannchyuan's words. "If it's intentional, what's the reason? And if it's just an accident, how come there's poison in there?"

"Yihge. I think now is the time." Iren glanced at the clock on the wall.

Jenqyih nodded. "Thank you for reminding me. Maybe Mr. Jongli is already waiting for me in the building across the street."

"You go now. It's not good to keep him waiting," said Shannchyuan.

"Okay, I'll go first. Hopefully, I'll come back here with some good news."

Jenqyih walked steadily and immediately disappeared behind the door.

"What do you think, Dahge?" asked Iren.

"About what?"