"You worried too much." Shannchyuan was still smiling. "In such a tight situation, you can come up with an idea like that. I don't think anyone can blame you."
Yihshyong's face showed a relieved expression. He nodded with a smile.
"Dahge!" Iren raised his hand.
"What is it?" Shannchyuan turned to Iren.
"Can I ask about something else?"
"Is your question still related to the things that happened recently?"
"Of course."
"Please tell me what you think."
"This is about Mr. Yeuduo Jendaw."
"What's wrong with him?"
"All this time, how well did Dahge know him?"
It was obvious in Shinnshiow's eyes that Iren couldn't hide his enthusiasm when he asked the question.
"I don't know him very well. He is the brother-in-law of one of my underclassmen," Shannchyuan replied.
"Actually, I'm also curious about that." Yihshyong joined in on the topic. "Before, how many times did Dahge meet Mr. Yeuduo?"
Shannchyuan turned his head towards the window. He seemed to be racking his brain to remember it.
Iren and Yihshyong looked at each other. Their facial expressions were a bit hard to describe. Shinnshiow had suspected that they were a little sorry for bringing that up.
After about forty seconds, Shannchyuan finally opened his mouth. "I've only met that person twice. The first time was during my underclassman's birthday about ten years ago."
"So, before the birthday event, Dahge never met Mr. Yeuduo at all?" Yihshyong asked.
Shannchyuan shook his head. "But I've heard of him. My underclassmen have told me several times about his brother-in-law."
"Then the second?"
"The second time was five years ago. At that time, my underclassmen took me and several other people for a vacation on a remote island."
"Wow! Vacation on a deserted island? That's great!" Unknowingly, Shinnshiow joined in on the conversation.
Shannchyuan shook his head. "Even though my underclassmen say that, it's actually not quite right to classify the occasion as a vacation. My underclassmen went there at the invitation of the local government in a small area."
"Then, the island?" Iren's eyes seemed to shine.
"That island is a small island that is administratively under the control of that territory. It's very close to the coast. Less than ten kilometers, I think."
"Invitation from the local government?" Yihshyong raised his eyebrows. "Did anything important happen there at the time?"
"I have to explain first," said Shannchyuan. "So, before that, there had been the discovery of ancient objects in one of the many underground caves that were scattered there. The local government invited my underclassmen, who were indeed experts in that field. He then invited several people, including myself, to come over there. So he formed a team of members he chose himself. I was a member of that team."
"So, Dahge's underclassmen also invited Mr. Yeuduo?" asked Iren.
"No." Shannchyuan replied quickly. "The local government also invited Mr. Yeuduo. My juniors also just found out about it after we met Mr. Yeuduo there."
"Oh, it turns out that Mr. Yeuduo is indeed an important person," said Shinnshiow.
"Actually, the local government invited some quite large media. At that time, Yeuduo Jendaw came there as a representative of the magazine he worked for."