There was silence for a few moments. Might be forty or fifty seconds. Shinnshiow didn't know what was going on. The two friends who were in the room looked at each other with a slightly odd look in their eyes.
"What do you think?" Yihshyong asked.
"I feel something strange about Dahge." Iren walked over to the bed where Shinnshiow was lying. "Dahge was acting very mysterious."
"Right now, I don't dare to voice my opinion about it. I don't know how Dahge's mental state was just before he disappeared," said Shinnshiow.
"I get the impression that Dahge knows a lot more than he's telling us." Yihshyong said that in a tone filled with caution.
"So you think Dahge is just faking his amnesia?" Iren stared deeply at Yihshyong.
"Could be so. Maybe for a few days Dahge disappeared to investigate. After successfully uncovering some surprising facts, Dahge felt that what he knew could even threaten his life." Yihshyong said in a voice so low it was almost a whisper.
"So by pretending to be amnesiac, Dahge hopes that those who don't want their secrets to be spread feel calm so they don't have to take extreme measures to silence Dahge," said Iren.
"And by not telling us the truth, Dahge is actually protecting us. If we know things that the public shouldn't know. There's a chance we'll become targets for criminals who fear their secrets will be found out." Yihshyong launched those words with twinkling eyes.
"Wait a minute!" Shinnshiow exclaimed. "Isn't this all just your imagination? This is just your confirmation bias. There is absolutely no scientific basis."
"Maybe my words are too much," said Iren. "But I'm almost certain that Dahge was pretending to forget what had happened to him."
"What evidence is there that Dahge was just pretending?" Shinnshiow challenged Iren to prove his words.
"I don't have any proof. But in all the years I've known Dahge, I've been able to more or less distinguish between Dahge's expression when he's in a normal state and when he's hiding something," said Iren.
"I have no proof either," Yihshyong said. "But I can point out things that aren't natural."
"Please, Shyongge, shed some light on this stupid mind of mine," asked Shinnshiow.
"If you notice, Dahge didn't mention Miss Liuchiou at all. He didn't even react at all when you mentioned Miss Liuchiou when you were explaining what happened."
"Maybe he knows that Miss Liuchiou is okay," said Shinnshiow.
"How would he know that? Remember, he had fainted before?" said Iren.
"Perhaps Tsaehorng told him that Miss Liuchiou is fine," said Shinnshiow.
"Do you realize what really happened between those two?" Yihshyong seemed a little worried because he might have assumed that Shinnshiow was slow to think.
"Between aware and not," said Shinnshiow. "But I'm more inclined to be aware."
Yihshyong sighed. "Even if Tsaehorng had told him about Miss Liuchiou's condition, Dahge still wouldn't have believed it. He would have urged Tsaehorng to take him to see Miss Liuchiou. Instead of coming straight to us."
"But Miss Liuchiou is now in another hospital, which is probably very far from here. I think Dahge is sane enough not to insist on being taken there," said Shinnshiow.
"You know that whoever the person is, will most likely lose their sanity if they are infected with feelings like that," said Yihshyong. "Even if he hadn't asked Tsaehorng or one of us to drive him there, he should have asked someone else to check on Miss Liuchiou. In fact, he didn't."