Dongfang Jenqyih didn't encounter any significant difficulties when he located the canteen in the building across the street. The canteen was quite spacious. There were maybe a hundred tables there. He smiled broadly when he saw Jongli Jyhren, the friend he was going to meet, already sitting in one corner of the cafeteria. With firm steps, right away, he approached the table where his friend was.
"Sorry I'm a little late." Jenqyih smiled and immediately sat in front of Jongli.
"It's fine. I haven't been here long either." Jongli returned Jenqyih's smile. "How is Mr. Beeihae?"
"The doctor said he was poisoned by Korabizu."
"Korabizu? Those thugs gave him Korabizu? That's really expensive!"
"Shinnshiow said he had never eaten Korabizu. Not where he was held captive, nor anywhere. So he doesn't know how the poison got into his body."
"Then how is he now? Is he able to speak fluently? People who are poisoned by Korabizu usually don't have the energy at all, not even to speak. They can't move their muscles. It will last for several days."
"He's not like that. He still looks limp. But he can move his body parts freely."
"How strange. It's not like Korabizu poisoning."
"I thought so too. But the doctor said they found the poison in Shinnshiow's body."
"Maybe the level of the poison in his body is so low that the effect is a bit different."
"It could be so. We didn't ask any further questions from the team of doctors there."
"Are there other strange things about Mr. Beeihae?"
"You mean?"
"Is he showing any symptoms that he doesn't usually show?"
"He suddenly became very emotional after hearing some news. He is a quiet person. Usually, he didn't even talk too much. Especially when he got angry. That's definitely not Shinnshiow's behavior."
"Oh! In that case, I think it does make sense." Jongli uttered the sentence with a steady voice.
"You mean?" Jenqyih frowned. There was no Korabizu in Yeuandong, so naturally, he and his friends didn't know much about it.
"I know of several cases of Korabizu poisoning where the poisoned individuals displayed aggressive behavior upon some provocations. Even the slightest provocation can send them into a rage."
"How can they go berserk if they have no strength and can't move the muscles in their bodies?"
"I mean, it's after they've recovered. It's usually after a week or two, that kind of behavior starts."
"Oh! The doctor didn't say anything about it."
"Because symptoms like that usually appear later. I think the doctors will say it later. Right now, they must be focusing first on Mr. Beeihae's physical recovery."
"So something like this will go on for a few weeks?"
"I don't know how long this aggressive behavior will affect the person poisoned by Korabizu. I am curious. What kind of news made Mr. Beeihae go berserk like that?"
"Two police officers came into the room to say that they had found Dahge. Shinnshiow got emotional when he heard how they were found. Have you heard about that too?"
"I already know." Jongli Jyhren nodded. "Before coming here, I've heard the news. Now he's also in the hospital opposite this place, right?"
"That's right. Before this, I also spoke to him first."
"He's awake? Can he speak fluently?"
Jenqyih nodded. "So fluently."
"So he's all right? The news I've heard is that they found him unconscious."
"That's right. But now he's fine. I think he just needs to rest for a few days."
"That's good news."
"Do you know which room Dahge was in?"
"Didn't you say you talked to him just now?" Jongli raised his eyebrows.
"I spoke to him in Shinnshiow's room."
Jongli shook his head several times. Laughing a bit. He reached into his pocket and took out a piece of paper. "Very well. Here I give you the information I know." Jongli gave the paper to Jenqyih.