Jenqyih immediately sat on a chair beside the bed. The chair, like the bed in it, was far nicer and more luxurious than the chair and bed in Shinnshiow's room.
"This room is very comfortable," Jenqyih looked around.
"This is one of the few privileges I like as a member of the Duanmuh family."
"This is so cool." Jenqyih laughed.
Shannchyuan grabbed the glass that was on the small table next to his bed. After taking a sip of water, he said, "Before I speak, is there anything you'd like to say?"
Jenqyih nodded. It was obvious Shannchyuan had asked him to give a report. He then briefly told about his meeting with Jongli Jyhren, including the things Jongli Jyhren said to him.
"Thank you for your explanation," said Shannchyuan. "So that friend of yours thought the police will close the kidnapping case soon. Hmm...."
"How about the two cops who just questioned Dahge?"
"They only ask standard things. But because there are many things I don't remember, so I can't give them the answers they are looking for."
"There's a chance they'll be here again soon to question Dahge."
"They said so?"
Jenqyih nodded quickly.
With very slow movements, Shannchyuan nodded his head. His brow furrowed. Jenqyih could only guess at the things Shannchyuan was thinking about.
"Did they not even mention such a possibility?"
"They did say something. But not exactly like that."
"What did they say?"
"They said there would be other police officers coming here to ask follow-up questions."
"The two police officers who were on guard in front of Shinnshiow's room also said something like that earlier."