Yihshyong returned to the couch again. He then told Shannchyuan about the incident when he and Iren saw a person who looked very much like Shannchyuan. Yihshyong also retold the things that Iren had told him. The things that happened when Iren followed the girl who had made Shannchyuan do strange and unreasonable acts.
Shannchyuan's face changed when he heard Yihshyong's story. Yihshyong could see that Shannchyuan was completely shocked. At that point, Yihshyong really believed that Shannchyuan had amnesia. His dahge wasn't lying when he said he didn't remember.
After Yihshyong finished telling his story, Shannchyuan said nothing. He looked like someone who was getting the biggest shock of his life.
"Dahge! Are you okay?" Yihshyong was anxious to see the change that Shannchyuan showed.
"I'm fine. Now you better call Tsaehorng immediately."
"All right, Dahge!"
Yihshyong rose again from the couch. With steps so fast, he walked towards the door and out of the room as fast as lightning.