The person then turned around in the direction from where he had come. Even though he looked tired, he walked very fast. Chioujen was worried that the man would collapse from exhaustion. But the man walked even faster. In an instant, he had disappeared around a corner about fifty meters from where their car was parked.
The situation became quiet again like before. Chioujen imagined that if his friends had done that, the atmosphere would have been much different. Most likely they would be laughing, while singing songs whose lyrics they have changed in such a way that they become strange, inconsequential, and meaningless sentences.
Just as the man who looked like he was out of breath had said earlier, fifteen minutes later, something really had happened.
Chioujen heard gunshots. Not just once, but about six or seven eruptions. The two people sitting in the front seat of the car immediately alerted. They opened the door and got out of the car.
Chioujen turned to Jongli Jyhren. The man remained calm. His eyes looked far ahead, as if penetrating another dimension. He didn't say a word.