Chapter 519 : Jongharng Chioujen

"Does that make sense? Wouldn't it be much better if they tried to find a connection between the people they arrested today and the case that Mr. Yeuduo and the journalists are working on?"

"Ideally, of course it would be. But it's a very sensitive matter. The police will probably work out the pros and cons if they really do their best to find out."

"What kind of pros and cons?"

"What is clear is that such an investigation will take a lot of time, effort, and money. Of course, it is the duty of the police to reveal what happened. But they also have to consider the side effects they will get."

"What side effects? Is this medicine?" Chioujen could already guess what Jongli meant. But he wanted to hear more from Jongli's mouth.

"It's like medicine. Drugs do cure disease. But there are times when the drugs will cause side effects, namely other diseases. So, the police in this city will do calculations whether further investigation will not have an impact on things that will harm them."

"You're saying that the police were hesitant to take proper follow-up for fear that it would offend other parties? Parties who might have close ties to the authorities in this city?"