Because they hastened, in a short time, they had arrived at the car. The driver had started the car engine when they were still sixty or seventy meters from the car. So when they all got into the car, there was no need to wait too long for the car to drive straight out of the parking lot.
"In the building earlier, did you not find any clues about Mr. Gongyang's whereabouts?" Chioujen asked when they were in the car.
"From that place, I did not get any leads related to Mr. Gongyang. But maybe we can get additional information from the people who were arrested earlier."
"Don't the police seem uninterested in connecting that case with Mr. Gongyang's disappearance case?"
"The police said earlier that the police will send the transcripts of their interrogation results. We can also send officers to ask those people questions."
"So now we just have to wait for further news," Chioujen said.
"That's right, Sir. But I heard that because the police want to quickly close the case of Mr. Beeihae's kidnapping and also the kidnapping of the journalists, it seems the police will investigate the suspects in a marathon. So maybe in a few hours, we will have new information."
"Now where shall we go, Sir?" the driver asked when the car was ready to go.
"We'll take Mr. Jongharng home first," Jongli answered.