After inviting Jinqkang to sit on one chair in the dining room, Iren turned around straightway. He walked to the front of Shannchyuan's bedroom. Arriving at the door, he knocked on the door gently.
Hope the girl is not sleeping. The knock sound is barely audible. There's a chance she can't hear.
There was the sound of a key being turned. The bedroom door opened slightly. From the gap in the door, Iren made his point. After that, the door closed again and Iren returned to the dining table.
Chioujen rose from the couch in the living room. Apparently, he had finished checking the things he felt the need to check. With quick steps, he walked across the living room. He patted Jinqkang on the back when he arrived at the dining room.
"You wash your face first. If you're still sleepy like this, I'm afraid you'll fall asleep when listening to what Mr. Jongli will say." Chioujen pointed at Jinqkang's face.