Akimasa immediately ran in. He then ran into the room he had used to change costumes. The armed people in the garage were not after him. It seemed that their job was to be on guard there.
Earlier he had seen there was a telephone in the room. Akimasa went straight to the table where the phone was. No sound was heard from the receiver. The crooks have disconnected the phone.
Akimasa headed to the locker, where he put off his backpack and Anaotomi uniform. He opened his locker and grabbed his backpack. From inside the bag, he took out a wooden box. He quickly opened the wooden box and took out its contents, namely a small stun gun and a small bottle of pepper spray. He pocketed the things.
Then he reached into his pocket. From his shirt pocket, he took out an object that was wrapped in plastic. Then he put it in the wooden box that was still open. After that, he put the wooden box back into his bag. After closing and locking the locker, Akimasa intended to go back into the main room to monitor the situation. He's worried about Gonda. After all, he was the one who brought her here. So he must take responsibility.
When Akimasa returned to the main room. Gonda and the woman in the hat were already there. The two people who had fought earlier were also no longer fighting. The person holding the gun and standing near the two people who had previously fought was still there. Right now, he was standing in front of one of the people who had been fighting. This time Akimasa could clearly see that one of the two people fighting earlier was Yabuta Matane's secretary. The person holding the gun was pointing his firearm straight at Yabuta Matane's secretary's forehead.
Akimasa walked up to Gonda. He poked Gonda's shoulder from behind. Gonda immediately turned around and looked at Akimasa. Akimasa immediately grabbed Gonda and took him to the men's changing room.
"Did you know that something like this would happen?" Gonda asked, while looking straight into Akimasa's eyes. It seems Gonda is annoyed with Akimasa. Akimasa remembered he had said earlier that he had a bad feeling. Maybe Gonda thought that somehow Akimasa already knew that some armed men would storming storming this place.
"Of course not. None of my informants said something like this would happen. I just felt someting bad would happen. I can't explain further, but I really don't know what's going on."
"Can we get out of here? It seems those guys have a problem with Yabuta Matane's secretary. They didn't try to rob or hurt other people," Gonda asked.
"There are two armed men currently guarding the back door. I think there are armed men on the top floor as well. Since then, no one has come down from the top floor, right?"
"As far as I know, no one has come down from the top floor yet. Where are the others?"
Gonda looked to the right and to the left. She seemed to make sure that the situation was safe enough for them.
"I do not know. My guess is the criminals had gathered the workers in this restaurant, apart from those who were serving customers, in a certain room. It's possible that the gunmen were holding the workers in the kitchen."
"Where is your friend?"