Chapter 573 : Random Scene 49

Akimasa was sure that everyone in the room would find that was a strange apology. Kaneuma did not explain his motivation for doing this at all. But from what he just said, there was the impression that he was only carrying out orders.

Everyone can interpret Kaneuma's words in a thousand ways. Akimasa didn't rule out the possibility that Kaneuma and his gang were members of an army, out of nowhere, assigned to carry out terror in this city. There was even the possibility that neither this restaurant nor Yabuta Matane were their target at all. Maybe this incident is just a distraction from their actual target.

A thousand conjectures played in Akimasa's mind. Even though he had various hypotheses running through his mind, he was also a hostage right now. Like the other hostages, right now, the most important thing for him was to get out of here as soon as possible. It doesn't matter who Kaneuma is. It doesn't matter what or who their real target is. The most important thing was that he had to be safe. No matter how!

Kaneuma then left the place. He walked towards the kitchen. After that, he completely disappeared from Akimasa's sight.

The crowd was really gone. Those crazy mobs didn't wait to hear from the police. The invaders seemed unconcerned with their demands. The criminals left the hostages just like that.

Akimasa looked around. All the hostages who were there also looked at each other. Their eyes showed confusion. What had happened was too difficult for them to digest quickly. They are all tied up. No one can move freely.

Of the twenty bombs in the room, there was one that they planted quite close to Akimasa. Akimasa can clearly see the numbers listed on the bomb timer. Currently, the number is 300. Every second the number is rapidly decreasing. 299, 298, 297, 296, 297….

The remaining time was less than five minutes. People began to panic after realizing that. Many of them starting to cry.