Chapter 582 : Random Scene 58

Nakatsura again put forward a speculative theory. He had not stated the reasons behind the allegation. But it's possible that his speculative theories no longer sound so wild after he explains them so clearly.

"I think that's an accusation that might be very difficult for you to prove," said Uda.

"I don't think you believe Tsukamoto is willing to get involved with matters related to terrorism," said Nakatsura.

"Let alone the matters related to terrorism, getting her to do general things was very difficult if she is not interested. Tsukamoto only devotes her attention to the things she likes. No matter how much we try to persuade her, if she doesn't want to do it, she won't do it," said Uda confidently.

Mano saw Uda was so sure of his view of Tsukamoto. After hearing Nakatsura's story yesterday, this made sense. Uda's relationship with Tsukamoto may be much closer than Uda admits. After Mano thought back, Uda never admitted any relationship with Tsukamoto. He never said that he admired Tsukamoto or anything like that.

Uda turned to Nakatsura. "Do you think the person you saw is really Tsukamoto?"

"I'm sure that woman is Tsukamoto. At least physically, she is Tsukamoto."

Nakatsura's words raised a question mark in Mano's mind. Uda also seemed interested in hearing those words.

"Physically? So you mean mentally that person might not be Tsukamoto?"