Uda raised his right hand to his head. With that hand, he stroked his hair, which was partly gray. With a slow tempo, he asked Nakatsura. This time, he emphasized every word he said.
"Isn't it possible that they were just scattered? For example, being sent to another hospital?"
"Impossible! Paramedics took all the hostages to the police hospital. If some victims were scattered elsewhere, the hospital that accommodates those victims had to report it to the police hospital. I had time to ask the authorities. They said absolutely no hostages were sent anywhere else. They firmly say that all the hostages are in the police hospital."
Nakatsura showed a serious face when he said that.
"The police hospital recorded the victims twice. The first was when these people enter the hospital. And the second was when they were declared to have been allowed to go home. The data of people who come in was exactly the same as the data of people who leave plus people who are still being treated."
Mano still didn't understand. Either because of the influence of the drugs she took so that her thinking power was a bit weak, or maybe because Nakatsura's words were too abstract so that it was difficult for ordinary people's minds to digest. Or perhaps she just needs a little extra time to understand all of that.
"There were five people who should have been on the list, but they weren't." Nakatsura continued his speech.
"Who are they?" Uda's voice sounded very curious.
"The first was one worker in the kitchen who had a heart attack. A doctor who gave help to the person was the second one. The third was the head nurse, who helped the doctor. The fourth is an old friend of mine who happens to have a very similar name to mine, namely Nakatsura Akimasa. And the last one was a young woman whom I saw yesterday having a conversation with my friend. My friend said that woman is the nephew of the boss."