Chapter 592 : Random Scene 68

"I also asked one of the police officers. He said when the police opened the booth, they did not find anyone inside the booth."

"So, where did they disappear to?" Mano asked.

"Perhaps the underground passage from which the criminals escaped was not the only underground passage under the restaurant," said Uda.

"It's not. The criminals also know that people can pass the culverts under the restaurant. And there are places where people can enter the building from the culverts," said Mano.

"Mr. Uda's meaning is not a culvert. But the secret passage underground just like the one used by the criminals," said Nakatsura.

"Yes, that's what I meant," said Uda. "So isn't it possible that there is a secret passage underground whose entrance is in one place in the kitchen? For example, in that room."

"That's possible. But yesterday, the police didn't think that way. They didn't know that there was supposed to be someone in the cubicle. Maybe this morning, the police had realized that. So maybe in that room, there is an entrance to another secret passage. But this is still weird. If the three people managed to escape that way, they should immediately report it to the police," said Nakatsura.

"As for that friend of yours," said Uda, "when was the last time you saw him?"

"Before Tsukamoto went to the toilet, I still saw him. After that, I didn't notice at all whether or not he was there. I just thought back to him when I went to the changing room with Gonda. After that, I didn't see him at all."

"You suspect Tsukamoto and the missing people were involved in this incident. Are you also suspicious of your friend?" Asked Uda.

"Of course," replied Nakatsura.