Chapter 597 : Random Scene 73

Mano sighed. "It turns out that I really am not talented at hiding things. Alright, Now I'll Tell you."

Uda and Nakatsura smiled.

"It's not that you're not good at hiding things, but Mr. Uda is very experienced. So he can easily read you," said Nakatsura.

"Last night. As I was changing at home, I realized that there was something in my trouser's pocket. It turned out to be a Mini-Cassette. I don't know who put that thing in my pocket."

"This is very interesting," said Uda. "It's possible that someone in that place recognized you as an undercover reporter."

"Have you listened to the contents of the recording in the Mini-Cassette?" Nakatsura asked.

"Yes, I have!"

Nakatsura and Uda waited for Mano to explain further.

"Sitting Pensively in front of the Round Pool."

A look of puzzlement crossed their faces when they heard the words that slipped from Mano's lips.

"That sentence repeated fifty times," said Mano.

"So? Is that all?" Ask Uda.

"Hardcover First Edition," said Mano. "That is the second sentence. This time the sentence was repeated only ten times."

A dazed look of bewilderment graced the faces of Uda and Nakatsura.

"Then?" Nakatsura asked.

"Then there's a bunch of numbers I don't know what they mean."

"How about an example?" Ask Uda.

"25 colon 15 period 37 colons 75 period 304 colon 109 period."

"Is that exactly what it sounds like?" Asked Uda.

"No, it's just an example. I mean, that's the format."

"How many numbers like that are there?" Asked Uda again.


"Then why didn't you tell us about this right away?" Ask Uda.

"Because at the end of the tape, there are still a few more sentences which I find very creepy."

"What is the message that you thought was creepy?" Nakatsura asked.