Shannchyuan opened his eyes. His head felt very dizzy. He looked up at the ceiling that lay before him. He turned his head right and left. Except for himself, there was no one else there. A few seconds later, he realized he was lying in a bed. While trying to sit up, he saw that there was an IV needle stuck in his arm.
He looked around the room. From the decorations in the room, he realized he was in a room in the hospital. Shannchyuan had something to say. But he couldn't make any sound. It was then that he realized that there were tubes coming out of his mouth and nose. The two hoses were connected to the ventilator machine next to the bed. Shannchyuan gasped. He must be in terrible condition if he had to use two tubes to supply oxygen to his lungs.
He was trying to remember. But the pain that hit his head made him fail to remember many things. He could only remember his name, age, and where he lived. Moreover Shannchyuan remembered that before this he fainted. But he had no idea how long he had been unconscious.
Suddenly, the door of the room opened. Several people rushed inside. From the clothes they wore, Shannchyuan could tell that they were doctors and nurses.
"Your Majesty has come to your senses!" Said one of the people who had just entered it. The man was wearing glasses with gigantic frames. He was in his mid-forties. He seemed to be the leader of the group of doctors and nurses who had just entered. The other doctors and nurses immediately flocked to Shannchyuan.
Eh? What did he call me? Did I hear right?
They then did things that were commonly done by doctors and nurses when examining patients. During their inspection, Shannchyuan didn't try to say anything. Apart from having a tube in his mouth, he also chose to wait until they said something.
"Good morning, Your Majesty," said the man wearing glasses with enormous frames. "Can Your Majesty hear my voice?"
Shannchyuan nodded. Even though he still couldn't fully digest what had happened, at least he could guess the basics.
"Please, don't say anything just yet. Your Majesty is still in a very weak state. We are delighted that Your Majesty has finally come to your senses."
Ah! I didn't hear wrong. They did call me that.
Shannchyuan really couldn't say anything. It was exactly as the doctor had said. His condition was still far from recovering. But the most important thing had happened, namely that he woke up. He knew that was what made the doctors and nurses look so happy.
One nurse then injected something into Shannchyuan's IV line.
"Your Majesty, don't move too much. Your Majesty had just come to your senses. Right now, the most important thing is to get lots of rest."
The doctor's words were quite reasonable. Shannchyuan would not refute it either. Right now, it wasn't the time to ask what things had happened to him. A few minutes later, Shannchyuan felt his eyes getting heavy again. Not long after, he fell asleep.
When he opened his eyes again, he was no longer lying in that room. He was already in a different room. There was no longer a ventilator tube attached either in his mouth or in his nose. But the IV needle was still stuck in his hand.
"Good afternoon, Your Majesty!"
Shannchyuan looked for the source of the sound. There was a man sitting on the right side of the bed. The person was in his late forties or early fifties.
"Good afternoon," answered Shannchyuan.
"Your Majesty don't need to force yourself to answer if Your Majesty's throat or mouth is still sore," said the person.
"It doesn't matter. I'm fine," said Shannchyuan.
The person raised the top bunk so Shannchyuan changed from lying down to sitting. This bed was an electric patient's bed, so the person just had to press a button, no need to turn any crank.
"The doctor said during these three hours that Your Majesty's condition is improving at an extraordinary rate," said the person. "They can't explain it. Medically speaking, this is nearly impossible."
"In this world, things that are hard to believe have often happened," said Shannchyuan.
"Yes, Your Majesty," said the man.
Shannchyuan was feeling confused. He didn't know who it was. So he didn't know what to call that person. If he called him wrong, of course, he would look stupid. Or perhaps that person might even get suspicious.
"Is there a mirror?" Asked Shannchyuan.
"Mirror? Would Your Majesty want to wash your face?"
"No. I just wanted to see how I am doing."
"All right, Your Majesty. I will immediately fetch a mirror."
The person then rose from his seat. He went outside. Not long after, he came back with a small mirror. He gave the mirror to Shannchyuan.
When Shannchyuan looked at his face in the mirror, he was shocked. He saw the face of an old man. He realized he was no longer young, but definitely not that old.
Have I been unconscious for years? This is absolute nonsense!
"Can I read today's paper?" Asked Shannchyuan. Curiosity to know what had happened completely overcame him.
"I don't think this is a very good idea. Your Majesty should get plenty of rest. It's not time to take care of other things yet."
"Can I read today's paper?" Shannchyuan repeated his words. This time, he said in a much louder voice. He hoped that the person sitting in the chair right beside him would understand what he wanted.
"Yes, Your Majesty. I will fetch today's newspaper," said the man. He then got up from his seat and left the room. He returned with a stack of newspapers. There seemed to be five or six newspapers he had with him.
The man gave a newspaper to Shannchyuan. He put the other newspapers on the table to the left of the bed.
Right away, Shannchyuan read the first page of the newspaper. He immediately looked for the date printed on it. Actually, that was his primary intention when he asked that person for a newspaper.
Shannchyuan could hardly believe his eyes. Although he didn't remember anything, Shannchyuan still remembered the current month and year. To be more precise, it was the month and year just before he fainted. The year listed in the paper was not at all the year he remembered. The time between the year he remembered, and the year listed in the newspaper, was thirty-five years.
Shannchyuan shook his head several times. Anything was possible in this world. But what had just happened to him was hard for him to believe.
"What's wrong Your Majesty?" The person's voice sounded slightly anxious.
"How long was I unconscious?" Asked Shannchyuan.
"Fifteen days, Your Majesty."
"Fifteen days?"
That fact astonished Shannchyuan. Thirty-five years was definitely not the same as fifteen days. Shannchyuan grew increasingly worried about himself. Being unconscious for fifteen days might not be unusual for someone who was as old as he was at that time. However, forgetting the things that had happened in thirty-five years of life was definitely not a simple thing.
"The doctor said that Your Majesty may have lost some memory. Just like it has happened several times."
"This thing has happened before?"
"That's right, Your Majesty. This is the sixth time that Your Majesty has been unconscious for a few days. Once Your Majesty woke up, usually there were many things that Your Majesty could not remember."
"So I've often been unconscious for fifteen days?"
"Previously, Your Majesty was only unconscious for between three and seven days. This is the first time Your Majesty has been unconscious for more than a week. We are all already feeling so anxious."
"That means there is a possibility this will happen again. It could even be worse," said Shannchyuan.
"I dare not speculate like that. Let the doctor explain to Your Majesty."
Shannchyuan started reading the newspaper. The news that was plastered in the newspaper was normal news. It did not differ from the news he usually read. Shannchyuan felt a little strange. He didn't remember what happened to him, but he remembered what news he usually read in his daily life.
"Actually, where are we?"
"Your Majesty is currently in the hospital."
"I know this is a hospital. I mean, which hospital?"
The person fell silent. After a few seconds, he continued his words in a cautious tone.
"We are in an underground bunker. Deep underground. Regarding more specific matters, I think there are other parties who have more authority to explain it."
Shannchyuan frowned. For a moment, he doubted his position. They addressed him as "Your Majesty," but at the same time, there were many restrictions. The person who was talking to him at that time seemed afraid to say much.
It is possible that I am a prisoner in this place.
"Can I take a walk outside this room or not?"
"Your Majesty's condition is still very weak. I think we should wait for the green light from the doctor."
"Didn't you say earlier that my condition is improving at an incredible speed?"
"That's right, Your Majesty. But maybe not well enough to be able to walk outside."
"What if I use a wheelchair? You can push my wheelchair."
The person thought for a bit, before nodding while opening his mouth. "Yes, Your Majesty! I'll ask first."
He got up from his chair and went outside the room. This time, he was gone for a while. Shannchyuan was dozing off, waiting for the person to return. It was only about twenty minutes later that the person returned to Shannchyuan's room. He pushed a wheelchair.
"Your Majesty may look around the situation outside in this wheelchair. But it's only fifteen minutes at most."
Shannchyuan nodded. Fifteen minutes was more than enough. At least for that day. Hopefully tomorrow he could do the same.
That person helped Shannchyuan off the bed. Shannchyuan's legs were still weak, so he really needed help. But other than that, Shannchyuan felt himself to be fine.
After Shannchyuan sat down in the wheelchair, the person he was with immediately pushed the wheelchair towards the bedroom door. As soon as the door opened, they rushed out.
They were in a corridor like those in a hospital in general. The corridor was about two meters wide. Shannchyuan could not estimate the length of the corridor because as far as the eye could see, he could not see either end of the corridor. The room where Shannchyuan was just now was only one of the many rooms on the right and left sides of the corridor.
That person was pushing Shannchyuan's wheelchair. After about three hundred meters from his room, they met a doctor and two nurses. They entered the door of a room that was there. But less than a minute they came out again.
"Good afternoon, Your Majesty." The doctor bowed deeply when he saw Shannchyuan.
"Good afternoon," answered Shannchyuan.
The two nurses who were with the doctor also bowed towards Shannchyuan. Their faces looked so relieved. But at the same time, Shannchyuan saw a look of tension.
The three of them then went in the direction they had come from.
"Can we enter this room or not?" Asked Shannchyuan.
Shannchyuan couldn't see the face of the person pushing the wheelchair, because the person was standing behind him. Even though he couldn't see the expression on the person's face, Shannchyuan could feel that the person was at a loss to answer his question.
"Tell you what," said Shannchyuan. "I'll just get into the room myself. You wait outside."
"Yes, Your Majesty," replied the man. He then opened the door to the room.