Nakatsura said he had information about Tsukamoto's whereabouts. Mano thought Uda Harido didn't believe it. It had been proven several times that the information Nakatsura brought was not always accurate. In fact, the last time, they were prosecuted in court for wrongly reporting something. At that time, it was not Nakatsura who did the investigation, but Ichiyume dared to write about it because they got information from Nakatsura.
When Nakatsura met Uda Harido, Mano was in the room. Previously, Uda called Mano to tell her to stop investigating a case because it turned out to be a sensitive case. Reflecting on their previous experience, Uda decided to no longer discuss that issue in their magazine. When Nakatsura came, Uda asked Mano not to leave the room. Evidently, he wanted Mano to hear directly from Nakatsura about what Nakatsura wanted to say.
Nakatsura wanted to write about Tsukamoto's reappearance in Ichiyume magazine. He said that if Uda wasn't interested, he would offer the story to Kabarasuri, a magazine that often brings up controversial cases as its main review.
Uda Harido later accepted the story with a note that Nakatsura should not do it alone. There had to be someone from Ichiyume accompanying Nakatsura in his research and writing. Nakatsura instantly agreed to Uda's demand. In fact, he quickly asked Uda to appoint Mano as Ichiyume's party to accompany him. Without thinking, Uda Harido right away agreed to Nakatsura's request.