It wasn't lunchtime yet, but the street where the Shinkankyo Restaurant was located was already bustling. As they had expected, even though Yabuta wasn't a candidate with a chance to win, many curious people still try to attend to see him. The restaurant was on the edge of a hectic road. The width of the restaurant was about fifty meters, while the length was about seventy meters. The restaurant comprised five floors. Even though it's big and majestic, the restaurant didn't have a parking lot. People who bring their own vehicles had to park elsewhere and then walked to the restaurant to eat.
Nakatsura and Mano were standing across the street. They were about a hundred meters from the left corner of the restaurant. They observed properly. Trying to find a way to get in there. From across the street, they could see the security in front of the restaurant was extremely tight. Many police officers stood guard on alert. Mano wondered, because she felt this kind of thing was too much. Yabuta had almost no chance, so it was virtually impossible for anyone to hurt him.
"Not necessarily!" Nakatsura suddenly opened his mouth.
"Eh?" Mano turned her head and looked at Nakatsura deeply. She didn't understand what he meant.