Mano stepped ahead of Nakatsura and stopped in front of Nakatsura. He prevented Nakatsura from advancing forward.
"What are you doing?" Nakatsura asked.
"I should be the one who is asking. What are we doing now?" Mano said, while widening her eyes.
"Eh? It's obvious, isn't it? We're going to the restaurant. Aren't we wearing appropriate uniforms by now?"
Mano asked again. This time with a higher pitch.
"I know this is the uniform from Autonomy."
"Anaotomi," Nakatsura corrected Mano's words.
"Yes, Anatomy."
"Anaotomi," said Nakatsura. He laughed.
"Okay, whatever. I mean, you take this uniform, and we put it on, so we can go in there. Isn't this illegal?"