"Now, I am a journalist. But I've worked in restaurants and hotels. While working there, I got the worker's membership number. So I'm officially registered as a worker in that field. Anaotomi then called the worker data center to match the number I wrote down with the number in the database in the data center. Indeed, under normal circumstances, the worker data center will send complete data to Anatomy, not just verbal confirmation by telephone. After all the data is complete, then the Anatomy will accept the person. But as I explained. It's an emergency right now, so as soon as they get a verbal confirmation over the phone, they immediately accept us. I already said that I do have friends in Anatomy, so I called him earlier to ask him to send us to Shinkankyo. So immediately, Anatomy put us in Shinkankyo. They send facsimiles both to the Shinkankyo and to us. The facsimile serves as a letter of assignment. The letters are in a folder in my backpack."
"But I never worked in that field," objected Mano.
"Of course you have. I think you've forgotten. Ten years ago, you spent five months helping your aunt ran her restaurant. At that time, you actually did not intend to work there. It's because you felt sorry for your aunt that you try to help her."