"Truly. I think we should celebrate our meeting. After work, we have to have a drink. What do you think?" asked Nakatsura "the journalist."
"Good. Before you forget, here I pay your money back." Nakatsura "the quiet man" took his wallet from his back pocket and took banknotes from his wallet. He gave Nakatsura "the journalist" twenty thousand Shinyen.
"Eh?" said Nakatsura "the journalist" as he accepted the money. He then glanced at Nakatsura "the quiet man." He smiled faintly.
"Oh, of course. Twenty thousand so many years ago would not be the same as twenty thousand today." Nakatsura "the quiet man" then opened his wallet again and gave ten thousand Shinyen to Nakatsura "the journalist." So thirty thousand Shinyen had changed hands quickly.
"Thank you. Thank you. I'll pay for the drinks later," said Nakatsura "the journalist." He was laughing.
Nakatsura "the journalist's" excitement was cut short when the supervisor from Shinkankyo came over.
"Now it's time for you to work. Please follow me."