Chapter 668 : Random Scene 61

The back door was actually an oversized garage. Aside from being an entrance for employees, the place also functions as an unloading place for vehicles that supply food ingredients. As soon as Akimasa got there, it turned out that the garage door was closed. Two people were standing there watching warily. Both carried firearms. When one of them saw Akimasa, he immediately pointed the gun he was carrying at Akimasa. 

Turns out they weren't just the three of them. Akimasa guessed that maybe upstairs, there were also members of their gang on guard.      

Akimasa immediately ran in. He then ran into the room he had used to change costumes. The armed people in the garage were not after him. It seemed that their job was to be on guard there.

Earlier he had seen there was a telephone in the room. Akimasa went straight to the table where the phone was. No sound was heard from the receiver. The crooks have disconnected the phone.