A pall of deathly pallor hung over the hostages, their faces etched with the stark realization that this mob leader was not merely engaging in idle threats. The hostages exchanged furtive glances, their eyes mirroring the fear that gripped their hearts. These rampaging mobs were deadly serious about their ultimatum. If the law enforcement personnel failed to demonstrate flexibility and patience, the lives of these innocent hostages hung precariously in the balance.
With a hushed whisper, Kaneuma relayed instructions to one of his men. His message delivered, Kaneuma departed the room, his footsteps echoing through the air. He ascended the stairs, his movements purposeful and determined. His subordinates, having received Kaneuma's whispered directive, followed suit, exiting the room with a sense of urgency.
Akimasa's curiosity was piqued as he observed Kaneuma's movements. Had he retreated to the kitchen, seeking sustenance or checking the back door for an escape route? The questions swirled in his mind as he strained to decipher Kaneuma's intentions.
Meanwhile, Kaneuma's communication with Kiushi revealed that the gang members were not idling by. They diligently followed Kaneuma's instructions, their actions devoid of hesitation or uncertainty. The men forcibly extracted twelve individuals from the kitchen, herding them towards a cluster of tables positioned within the room. Akimasa meticulously counted the individuals, excluding Gonda, who had been rescued earlier.
In a swift and ruthless display of control, the gang members silenced the Shinkankyo workers by plastering their mouths with duct tape. Their faces were then concealed behind ski masks, obscuring their identities and intensifying the sense of dread that permeated the room. With chilling precision, the men attached small bombs and timers to the backs of the twelve hostages. As if their actions were not already heinous enough, they proceeded to force the hostages into specific positions, their movements devoid of any semblance of compassion or humanity.