Driftveil Dilemma

Hope you all liking the story now we are heading into last four chapters of the story, This chapter will involve an event that will determine the outcome of the battle. Please read and review the story. This chapter might be a little shorter than the others too.

Pokémon isn't mine so please stop asking me.


(Ash's POV)

"Alright Zekrom return" I said recalling my legendary Pokémon after landing in Driftveil City we started to look around this large city, "this place is too quiet" I stated calmly as a shockwave blasted it's way through the city, "fuck that was intense" I said as I picked myself up "the battle must be picking up" I said with great worry.

"Then Ash we better hurry to the bridge" Hilda explained as we ran through a street filled with houses on either side, "Ash how do you think N and the others are going?" Hilda asked me with great concern as we ran towards the city limits.

"Judging from the last shockwave I would say they are holding the line, but for how much longer?" I said wondering before reaching an expanse of water with a bridge that hasn't been lowered, "Oh fuck this isn't good how do we get across now?" I asked as Hilda walked up to me.

"Well it was your idea to be dropped off at Driftveil City" Hilda said with sarcasm while pointing at the obvious, "there is no one that can help us since they all left for safety" Hilda pointed out as I started to see the flaw in my plan, "Ash lets head back into the city" Hilda suggested as we walked back to the city.

"Right maybe we can create a raft to get us to the other side" I stated with a grin as we entered back into the city, after a few minutes back in the city I thought I saw someone roaming the streets of the city, "Hilda I thought I saw someone" I said as I ran in the direction the person was heading in, "come on Hilda!" I called out for Hilda to follow me.

"Ash where are you going?" Hilda asked me while running behind me trying to catch up, "Ash why are we at the gym?" she asked me as I walked in to the building with Hilda following close behind me, "Ash there is no one in here" she said while we looked around for a second.

"But it's odd Hilda the lights shouldn't be on" I said pointing out the strange situation, "and I thought I saw a kid running towards this building" I stated as we walked further in we walked up to an elevator and walked on it before being dropped down.

"Ash are you sure you're not seeing things?" Hilda asked me as I responded by shaking my head, we made it to the bottom of the elevator surprising us the most was the fact we could hear voices coming from behind a door, "Ash there is some one here" Hilda said with concern, "I thought everyone was evacuated" she said looking at me before a gruff man walked up from behind.

A man wearing a cowboy suit with a felt hat walked up to us "Well little miss some people just didn't want to leave" he said with a smile, "I stayed behind to protect them" he said with a smile.

"Clay what your still here" I said in shock as we walked through the crowds of people, "Hey kid are you alright?" I asked the little girl who was crying she didn't answer my question and continued to cry, "Clay the battle is starting to get really nasty and we need to cross the bridge" I told the gym leader as Hilda was tending to the little children.

"Sorry hombre but I can't operate the Driftveil Bridge without an operator on the other side" he stated calmly as we continued to walk through the crowds of displaced people, "and plus getting to the other side is a suicide mission for us" he said with sadness, "keeping the bridge up also prevents them from going any further then Nimbasa City" he said wanting to protect the people from Neo Plasma.

"Hey mister do you have an food for me and my friends" I just nodded and gave the little child some food, "Thanks for the food mister" she said appreciatively as I pet her on the head causing her to giggle before taking the food to her friends.

"Hey Ash that was really nice of you" Hilda said with a smile, we continued to look around to help the people out, "Clay is there enough food for everyone?" Hilda asked the gym leader in worry.

"No there isn't enough food in fact we are almost out of food" Clay pointed out as we began to worry about the situation here, "Most of these kids either got separated or lost their parents" Clay said with a tear started to fall from his eye, "so if we can get some food it would be a real help" Clay stated as we watched the kids play with the gyms Pokémon.

"We will get some food for the people and toys for the young kids" I declared with confidence as Hilda followed me wanting to help me, "Clay you stay here we will be back in a while" as we exited the shelter and back into the main building.

"Ash I know we are going to help but where are we going to get the food and toys for the people who stayed here?" she asked me while she watched me grab Zekrom's pokeball, "Ash we aren't heading to other cities to take things from them to feed these people?" she enquired with a frown.

"Yes we are Hilda" I responded as I called out the legendary Pokémon before climbing back onto Zekrom flying off to another city, "Iccrirus City Zekrom" I said calling out the destination.

(Normal POV)

"You guys grab their uniforms and follow them into their base" Zoren ordered his men prepared their next assault on the base gathering the uniform of their former team mates.

A man with gray hair wearing a brown robe and tall hat walked into the base followed by five other men "Master N it's so great see you" he said with a smile, "the battle has only just started but victory is only around the corner" he said wisely.

"Ryoku didn't expect you to be here" N said with great joy before a loud noise was heard at the entrance of the base, "what's happening out there?" N asked as loud gunfire started to move its way through the base.

"Sir we are under attack from within" a soldier said as more gun shots were fired into the base, "It seems like Neo Plasma took the uniforms of our dead comrades and used it to infiltrate the base" he said as the gun fire started to get louder.

"Alright give the order to open fire" N ordered the soldier as sparks started to fly in the base, as the six sages walked towards the front line preparing to stop the onslaught that was coming their way, "what are you doing" N asked them as he watched them ready for battle.

"Young master N we old ones only get in the way of you younger ones" the oldest one said, "But we have watched the world evolve over the years and learnt many new things" he said with a smile getting ready to make a sacrifice.

"That's right N we made many errors when were in Team Plasma many years ago but now we will atone for them just like you want to" Ryoku said as he ordered his men to charge into battle, "Once victory comes you will be the one that leads Team Plasma and even Unova into a golden age" he said as the six sages started to push the enemy out of the base.

N just looked on as the six sages battled the enemy before preparing an attack of his own, "Alright men these guys can't have all the glory time to attack the enemy as well" N declared as his reinvigorated men began to show an increase in moral, "we will not give up until the battle is won, we will not give until Neo Team Plasma is completely destroyed" N said while his men raised their guns into the air shouting.

"Sir the attack was a diversion there are bombs placed all over the base" an officer pointed out with dismay, N just placed his hand on the shoulder of soldier and just smiled, "sir what are we going to do about it?" the soldier asked.

"Nothing we will leave this base and face Neo Plasma in battle" N declared with a smile, "get what you can and evacuate the base help the injured and the dying get out of here" N ordered his men as the soldiers as gunfire was being led away from the base.

"Master N two of the six sages have fallen in battle but they are inflicting severe damage on the enemy" an informant stated while N was helping his comrades leave the base.

Meanwhile outside Neo Plasma was being pushed back even further from the base, "those four other old guys are getting on my nerves" Zoren said in frustration as some of his men started to run away from the battle, "Kyurem use Draco Meteor" Zoren called out for an attack sending energy into the sky before it broke apart while falling to the ground hitting everything in its range, "better not use that attack too much" Zoren said to himself as he looked on to see no survivors from the attack before laughing in a crazed manner.

"What was that?" N asked one of his soldiers in concern as a few injured soldiers ran up to him, "What happened you guys?" N asked the soldiers who looked outside with fear.

"Someone just used Draco Meteor during the battle, it killed not only his own men but a lot of our men as well" the soldier declared before collapsing to the ground succumbing from his injuries, N just looked on with anger.

"Men follow me" N said before moving in the opposite direction of the battle, the men began to question the idea of this not knowing why N would do this as the sounds of an explosion ripped through the tunnel they were previously in, "now they think we are dead" N said while looking around to see how many men remain.

'Sir what do we do now?" an officer asked in anger of N actions during the battle, as dissatisfaction started to arise.

"A new strategy has just came into being" N stated confidently as he looked at the map, "now if I am correct the ammunition dump is just above us I need men with ground type Pokémon to dig a hole above us" N ordered his men to do this task.

"Sir what are we going to achieve here?" the officer asked N as he calmed down, N just looked at him with a smile and pointed to the remaining bombs of the base, the officer smiled "So we are going to blow their ammunition sky high" the officer said with a grin.

"Right we will use guerilla tactics for now" N said changing the strategy of the battle, "we will attack a portion of their forces and pull back just as they call for reinforcement" N said as his men place a few bombs between the ammunition crate, "good lets go we don't want any more attention drawn to us" N said while leading his men away from the base, "We will use the ground types to steal their fod from under their noses to feed our forces" N said telling his men of the new strategy.

Meanwhile outside Zoren started addressing his men, "men of Neo Plasma the battle for Unova is ours and an all-out war with the rest of the world has just started" Zoren stated with a fanatical crowd before it was drowned out by a powerful explosion, "What's going on?" Zoren asked in annoyance as one of his soldiers walked up to him.

"Sir our ammunition cache has been completely obliterated" the soldier said as Zoren started to get angry, "Sir we also lost a lot of food as well" the soldier said with fear.

"Why don't they give up?" Zoren yelled out in anger as he killed the person who relayed the message to him, "men find Team Plasma and destroy them" Zoren said issuing his deadly command.

(Hilda's POV) (In Iccirus City)

"Ash what food do we need to get for the people?" I asked Ash who continued to grab food off the shelves, "Oh forgot just grab anything because they all need food" I said while my question went unanswered.

"Hilda are the bags full of food?" Ash asked me to make sure the bags were full of food, "Pikachu is the security system destroyed as well?" Ash asked his partner pokemon before exiting the shop with the food, "we will need to return and grab more food while we are at it" Ash told me with a smile as we took off with food in hand.

"Ash look down there is that a pokemon?" I asked Ash who also looked down.

"Zekrom land over there" Ash ordered his legendary pokemon, "What is this pokemon?" Ash asked as the large blue pokemon tried to pick itself up, "oh fuck what are you doing?" Ash asked as the Pokémon attack us.

"Ash this pokemon is Cobalion they don't trust people" I responded to Ash's question as he continued to try and walk up to it, "Ash please be careful" I requested before he turned around to smile at me.

"Just calm down we aren't your enemy" Ash said trying to calm the legendary Pokémon, "Here have some Pokémon food it will help" Ash said while smiling at the large Pokémon, while trying to give it some food, "it will be fine just eat" Ash said with kindness towards the Pokémon.

"I will wrap up its injury in a bandage" I said helping Ash with the Injured Pokémon, after help the large Pokémon it just ran away "that's just great Ash not even a thanks you by the Pokémon !" I said with a pout and my hands at my hips as Ash just laughed it off.

"You said that even that Pokémon doesn't trust people" Ash said happily, "but we don't need thanks for helping people or Pokémon we do it because it's the right thing to do" Ash told me as we climbed back onto Zekrom to fly back to DriftVeil City, "Plus I don't think we have seen the last of that Pokémon " Ash told me confidently before taking off.

We got back to the gym and walked back in with the bags of food over our shoulder, "alright everyone we have some food for you" I declared happily, we handed out the food to the people so they can eat, "hey little one" I said while looking down at the child as she handed me a small flower, "for me? How sweet" I said with a smile while sniffing the flower, "thanks it's beautiful" I said as the kid ran back to her friends.

"Seems like you made a friend Hilda" Ash told me as Clay walked up to us.

"that child lost her family in the initial Neo Plasma attack in Nibasa City" Clay told us with a saddened expression on his face, "oh that reminds me where did you get this food from?" he asked us as we looked at each other nervously.

"We kind of took it from the shops because there was no one in the cities" Ash confessed as Clay walked up to us, "I know it was wrong but we had no choice" Ash said with regret as Clay started to smile, "we are sorry" Ash said apologetically.

"I have one question how much is left over in the shop" Clay asked us with a smile, "that's not my policy either but it's better than letting the people starve to death" Clay pointed still disapproving our actions, "don't worry I will pay for the stolen food" Clay said with a smile "you two deal with getting something for the kids alright" Clay told us with a smile.

"Clay we are heading back out to get some toys for the kids" I said with a smile as we walked out of the gym, upon exiting the gym I was picked up by a tornado, "Ash Help me!" I screamed as he grabbed my hand brining me back to the ground, "thanks Ash for the assistance" I said thankfully as a large blue Pokémon floated above us on a cloud with a cord like tail, "that's Thundurus" is said nervously.

"Another legendary Pokémon?" Ash asked as a powerful bolt of lightning hit him, "surely that isn't the best you've got" Ash said trying to antagonize the large Pokémon, "I have been zapped with more power than my Pikachu" Ash said with a crazed smile.

"Ash your nuts why are you pissing this Pokémon off?" I asked as Ash who just looked at me before another gust of wind hit the other Pokémon this time coming from a large green pokemon with a purple tail floating and white mustache on a small cloud, "Ash that's Tornadus" I said in shock as the two pokemon continued to fight, we quickly made our way backing to the gym.

"Great just what we didn't need legendary Pokémon to start fighting before we reached Nimbasa City" Ash said in complaint to the situation, "I thought things would get any worse" Ash pointed out with a frown as we eached the Gym to call for Clay.

"Well that was quick so where are the toys?" Clay asked as we looked at him with concern, "there is a problem out there right?" Clay asked us as we directed him outside.

"Clay we have an emergency two large pokemon suddenly appeared and started fighting" Ash said as we watched the large pokemon fighting each other, as he looked at us trying to figure out what to do next, "Clay what the fuck are we going to do now?" Ash asked Clay who just shrugged his shoulders, "You have to be fucking kidding me you're the gym leader and you don't know fuck all about this!" Ash yelled at the top of his lungs.

"It doesn't mean I don't know, it just means I can't do anything about it kid" Clay said as Ash started to lose his temper, "But I do know this there is a temple somewhere near Chargestone Cave that might help quell these two Pokémon.

"Where is this cave Clay?" I asked in a more composed manner than Ash.

"The cave is near here you just have to go near Mistralton Cave and you can't miss it" Clay said with a smile as we ran towards the cave.

"Great now we have to run some distance to get to a temple" Ash said in complaint with the situation, "what the fuck will this do for us?" Ash asked as he didn't look happy about this situation.

"Ash calm down Clay knew what to do and if he is right then that must mean there is a third Pokémon in the set" I told Ash as we ran towards the cave, "So the third Pokémon in this trio is called Landorus" I said calmly as we almost reached our destination as the winds started to pick up.

"Then why didn't he go to the temple?" Ash asked me in irritation.

"Because Ash he has to look after the people in the gym" I responded to Ash's question

"We better hurry Hilda" Ash instructed me as we reached a building, "Ash this is the temple dedicated to Landorus the third one of the trio" I explained to Ash as he looked around the ancient place with interest, "I will give it a try to call for him" I said hoping that it will work as we walked to an alter in the middle of the room.

We walked up to the stairs as I went further on to call for Landorus, "be careful Hilda" Ash told me as I looked back with a smile.

"I will always be more careful Ash not like you" I said with a smile as I walked up to the center of the alter.

"Please Landorus we need your help Tornadus and Thundurus are fighting in Driftveil City" I begged the legendary pokemon to make an appearance.

I had been at it for a while now trying to get Landorus to intervene in the battle between Thundurus and Tornadus, "Hilda why is nothing happening?" Ash asked me as I started to become exhausted from the continual praying.

"I don't know Ash maybe Landorus doesn't want to stop the fighting" I replied calmly as I started to become fatigued after few hours of praying to the legendary pokemon, I collapsed to the ground before Ash ran on the alter to help me up, "Ash why? I said I was going to call for Landorus" I said tiredly before he looked towards the stone tablet.

"Landorus we need your help in Driftveil City Tornadus and Thundurus are fighting and you are the only one that can stop them" Ash said demanding that he appeared, "come on we also could use your assistance in a matter if you are more than happy to" Ash enquired to the legendary pokemon.

"Ash no this isn't a good Idea" I said as I fell asleep in Ash's arms.

(Ash's POV)

I looked down at Hilda who start to go to sleep as I continued to call out for Landorus, but after having enough I walked out of the temple and called for Zekrom, "Zekrom please take us back to Driftveil City" I requested as I climbed onto Zekrom while Hilda was still asleep. After making it to Driftveil City the winds were starting to become unbearably strong, I carried Hilda into the gym and placed her on the bed, "I will deal with this situation myself" I said as I walked out of the building knowing that Hilda was going to be safe.

I looked up to see the legendary Pokémon fighting "Zekrom let's have our first fight" I called out my legendary Pokémon, "Zekrom use Dragon Claw" I instructed the large black Pokémon to attack the two fighting Pokémon, Zekrom charge towards the fighting Pokémon but Tornadus and Thundurus were too quick and dodged the move easily leaving me to think about what to do next. I watched on as the situation started to become increasingly dangerous as Buildings were picked up and moved around the sky, "Zekrom come back here for a moment" I instructed the large dragon Pokémon as he landed readying for another attack, "Use Dragon Breath Zekrom" I ordered the dragon type to attack, Zekrom sent a large wave of green flames towards the fighting legendary Pokémon but Dragon Breath was negated by the powerful winds.

I watched on not knowing what to do in this situation, "great now what do I do as parts of houses stared to hit Surrounding building, "Zekrom return" I called back my legendary Pokémon as a part of the house hit the gym, "oh no Hilda!" I yelled out while running back the gym to see if she was alright, I peered into the gym to find she was fine, "that was close but this situation is starting to get dangerous" I said to myself before the winds died down, I looked up to see another Pokémon flying towards the fighting duo, "what is that Pokémon?" I asked as the large orange Pokémon with a large tail shaped like a branch.

Eventually Hilda picked herself up and walked out to a devastating scene, "Ash what happened here?" she asked me as I looked up and pointed, "Ash the other Pokémon is Landorus" she pointed out with a smile, "this battle will end soon" she stated with a grin as Tornadus and Thudurus settled down.

After the intense battle between the legendary Pokémon they floated in front of us, "can I ask for your assistance?" I asked the previously fighting Pokémon, "we need to get to Nimbasa City to save Unova" I said trying to explain the situation to the legendary trio, "we need your help please our friends are in danger" I said trying to talking the Pokémon into helping us but they just flew off.

"Ash we need to get to the bridge to help N out before it's too late" Hilda told me as we walked to the city limits again, "Ash what about the people in the gym?" Hilda asked me with concern.

"As long as they stay in the gym they will be just fine" I stated confidently as we continued to walk towards the bridge, we walked up to the bridge "alright Hilda you stay on this side I will go on the other side to lower the Bridge for you" I said planning out the next move, just as I was about to call out Zekrom the get me to the other side of the bridge we were picked up by two legendary pokemon, "what they are helping us?" I questioned in amazement, we landed on the other side to find another four pokemon looking at us, "Hilda I know of two of them but who are the others?" I asked her trying to get information.

"Ash the large gray bear like pokemon is Terakion and the green one is Virizion" Hilda pointed out to me, "I guess helping Cobalion was of great help to us" Hilda said as we looked at the group of legendary pokemon, we just looked at the four pokemon towering over us, one was a bul like pokemon with a strong build colored gray with black horns and the other was a more slender pokemon colored mostly green with creamy coloration on the back.

"Time to bring an end to this battle and Neo Plasma" I declared as we walked towards the final showdown with Neo Plasma.

(Normal POV) (Nimbasa City)

"Men pull back we will attack another point in the Neo Plasma front" N ordered his men to retreat, as they were retreating a large ball of energy was fired behind them to prevent their escape from the battle, "brother and Kyurem" N said in fear.

"Well brother our little battle ends here farewell" Zoren said in a crazed laugh, "You would have been better off keeping me to think you were dead" Zoren stated while looking down at his brother, "I always loved looking down at you brother now I will spit on your grave Kyurem use Draco Meteor" Zoren called out for the deadly attack.

"And let you get what you and father want" N said glaring at his brother as the attack was about to be fired.

"Zekrom use Dragon Breath" Ash ordered his pokemon before Kyurem could fully charge the attack and release it, "You're right Zoren this battle will end but you not be the victor here" Ash said confidently.

"What how? I thought you were dead" Zoren said in shock before N called out his dragon as well, "this doesn't change a damn thing!" Zoren yelled out in anger, "Neo Plasma attack" Zoren ordered his men to attack the defenseless soldiers of Team Plasma.


The final stages of the battle has just began who will win the battle and at what cost? please review the story so far with three chapters remaining of the story (last one isn't needed but i will still put it in anyway)

Eighth Chapter Finished!!

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