Chapter 3 (the childhood best friend);

Next day in Wang Corporation

-In Leone's Office-

Leone- Selena give me the file from Lila

-Selena's minding her own world-

Leone- Hey Selena , I said give me the file from Lila!

-Earth to Selena-

Selena- (startle) Sir yes Sir

-Selena handed the file to Leone-

Leone- What the h*LL is wrong with you? Any problem?

Selena- Uhh… No sir I'm just zone out

Leone- you better do you're work or else-

Selena- Yes sir it's not gonna happen again

Leone- before you leave I want you to contact my agency to prepare my Jet for next month

Selena- Jet? Are you going out of the country Sir?

Leone- It's my mother's birthday and I'm going to flew to Taiwan to celebrate it , and as for you as my personal assistant you're coming with me

Selena- S-sir m-me?

Leone- any problem with that?

Selena- No sir , as you said I'm coming with you as you're personal assistant and I'm going to call you're agency now to prepare you're jet. I'm on it

-Selena turn around-

Selena's perspective ( Sh*t I'm gonna meet he's family why does he have to bring me with him f******ckkkkk)

-yune chuckle-

Leone- What are you laughing about?

Yune- well Sir this is the first assistant you're bringing with you on you're mother's birthday

Leone- She's my assistant , of course she needs to do her part as my PA

-Yune smile and leave the office-

Leone- Where you going? I didn't say you could leave. I know what you're thinking Yune it's not that kind of sh*t

Yune- whatever you say Sir

-A few days have pass, the last day of the month-

Leone- Is my jet ready?

Selena- Yes Sir I arranged you're meeting for next month too I place it on the next next month so it'll be good to go

Leone- Good

-Leone walks away-

-10 minutes later in Leone's office-

Leone- What the f*ck are you doing here? how did you get in here? Who let you in

-With a shock angry reaction-

Unknown person- Well well well, Of course you're people let me in , they be scared to be on my way

-With a smirk-

-Leone walks to his chair-

Leone- get out of my office , I'll deal with you later.

*knock knock*

Selena- Sir you're agency just ca-

Selena- (panicked) who are you? What are you doing in my boss office!? Guard guard!

Unknown person- I'm the one suppose to ask you that , WHO THE H*LL ARE YOU?!!!

Leone- She's my PA

Unknown person- Uhh I see , I like you're attitude little lady you can be my woman (with the wink)

Selena- Shut you're mouth

Yune- Selena Let me introduce you to Mr. Troy Li the founder of the CEO of the Li Corporation , Son of the millionaire of the top 2 Business man Henry and Katherine Li. He and Mr. Wang is a childhood Best friend they went on the same school , same place , and their Parents are Friends to each other they grew up together, their like brothers.

Selena's perspective (hOw LuCkY iS mE, their both Bastard anyways so what's the point)

Selena- Well not nice to meet you (roll her eyes)

-Selena turn away and leave the office-

Troy- You're PA is very interesting, I like her attitude. The way she protected you and call a guard Emmidiately damnnn

Leone- She's my PA of course she's gonna do what her job is

Troy- Is that so?

Leone- So what are you doing here in Beijing? Aren't you suppose to be in California?

Troy- Well as you know Aunt's birthday is coming next month and they called me to go back to Taiwan and I just guess that I should stop by here in Beijing before going to Taiwan

Leone- In that case you can come with me so we can go together in there

Troy- Why not

Leone- Tomorrow is the flight so get ready

Troy- Go it 👌🏻

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