Chapter 9 (gunshots)

-3 days later-

Selena- Were ready to leave Sir

Leone- Alright then

-3hours and 10 minutes later in Beijing airport-

Elijah- Finally we're here

-Liam walk pass by them-

Liam- Let's go , I wanna take a rest

Andrew- stop me… stop me… I'm gonna beat his ass up

-Andrew is joking around and Jacob is stoping Andrew-

Jacob- (chuckle) HAHAHA calm down

Andrew- He didn't even wait for us

Leone- C'mon y'all stop being childish

-1 hour later, in Leone's house-

Maid- Sir the rooms upstairs are ready for the other Sir

Liam- Great

-Liam left and went to his room-

Andrew- B*tch don't stop me , don't stop me

-Everyone's looking at him-

Andrew- You all really not gonna stop me?

Elijah- You said don't stop you

-Eveveryone laugh, and left to go to their rooms-

Andrew- H-Hey wait , what the h*ck

-Next day, in Wang's Corporation-

-the boys walking in the hallway with a serious looks-

-Employees gossiping- whoah sir's friends are handsome, they all handsome I wish I can be their girl

Selena- Sir , I just want to remind you that you have a meeting to Mrs. Choi this afternoon

Leone- Got it

Liam- You're people are such a naive , they can't even keep their eyes to theirselves

Troy- is because I'm too handsome

Elijah- Shut yo ugly mouth…

*knock knock*

Andrew- don't come in!

Leone- Drew!! Come on in

Yune- Uh eh Hi S-sir , this is the document for this Afternoon meeting

Leone- Put it in my desk

-Yune put the documents in Leone's desk-

Leone- you can leave now

Yune- Uhh Sir Leo maybe yo-

Leone- It's Sir LEONE to you!!! You're can't call me by my nickname only my Family and friends can , do you hear me!!

Yune- (with nervous and panick reaction) Y-yes Sir Leone I'm sorry

Leone- Now leave my D*mn office!

-Yune left the office and run-

Liam- Boyyy… that girl needs to be kick out of the Wang's Corporation she even flirt with her Boss

Troy- That's what I'm telling Leo about , Selena's still better

Leone- speaking of my PA , this girl is different I search her so called Parents and-

Troy- and what?

Leone- Her so called parents is-

Troy- Is what? What about her parents

Leone- Is dead , so it means she's now-

Troy- Oh men that's too sad , and now she's what?

Leone- She's no-

Troy- C'mon tell me-

-Leone smack the table-

Leone- Are you gonna let me finish or what!?!

Troy- oh oh I'm sorry , ok continue

Leone- her so called parents are dead , and now she's trying to find her real family.

Liam- And what did you find about her real family? We all know that you're not gonna let that pass , and you're still gonna investigate her "real parents"

Leone- As far as I know there's still nothing more info

-Selena barged in-

Selena- S-Sir we have a problem?

Leone- why, what is it?

Selena- there's a shooter outside the company, and the guards infront was shot, a-and it's not only 1 shooter there's 4 of them a-around the building

-Leone with fist and grunt mad-

Leone- Elijah go to the control room and check the CCTV's on every corner of the building in and out side

Leone- and-

Liam- Leo we got it , we'll deal with it

Andrew- Oh c'mon we just got back and this is our welcome party?!

Jacob- get you're ass out

-meanwhile infront of the building-

Selena- S-Sir it's really dangerous to go out

*gunshot* -everyone's screaming and running-

Leone- Who are these? How their dare to come to bother us

*gunshot , gunshot and more gunshot*

Liam- Ugh this is not gonna be easy to go outside and talk to them, their not in a good mood to be nice. As if their target is us….

-Leone suddenly stop and zone out-

Leone- I know who's people are these (with mad reaction)